Chapter 8- The Night He Left

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Some implied sexual content towards the middle
Underage drinking

Maybe stopping for a drink with Kouyou wasn't actually a very good idea after all. I had drank one glass with her and I was already a bit tipsy. The good thing about this was that the only thing I had left to do today was paperwork.

I sat at my desk, pen moving across the paper I was signing, my head rested against my fist. It wasn't too late in the day, only 5 o'clock so I had plenty of time to finish before it got too late.

Most of the papers were business deals that had to do with cargo that was sold by the Port Mafia. Whatever was signed by me would then go to the Boss to look at and either approve or deny.

Normally, I hated paperwork but in all honesty, at the moment I didn't mind it too much since my thoughts were elsewhere.

The image of the tall, brown haired bandaged man came to mind. The promise I had made to Kouyou earlier accompanied it. I couldn't help but smile because I truly believed Dazai wasn't going to leave me again, I had to believe in that trust that we shared even in his Mafia days.

Things between us have seemed rushed the last few days but it was the same as it was when we got together the first time too. Dazai seems like the person that always knows how to find trouble, which he no doubt is, but he's also a very caring person when it comes to those he respects and the ones he loves.

Dazai use to always want to hold me after missions, claiming that I was exhausted after using my ability for so much. Even though it was true that using my ability for a prolonged time was draining, I had made him wait until we got home to do anything like that.

With Corruption it was a bit different since I passed out right after. He would pull me against him, my back to his chest and I was sitting between his legs with his arms wrapped around my waist, my head laid back against his chest while we waited for reinforcements to arrive.

I enjoyed the time I spent with Dazai, which was probably why it hurt so much when he left. Returning from a mission to learn that the man I loved became a traitor wasn't the intention I had when I came back that night.

I closed my eyes, remembering the events of that night.

"It's good to see you, Chuuya. How was your mission?" The Boss asked once I entered the double doors of his office.

"Successful, any of our cargo that had been shipped to that warehouse should be on it's way back to our port," I answered setting the file with my report in it on his desk.

The mission I had returned from had been exhausting and I wanted nothing more than to climb into my boyfriend's arms and just sleep comfortably. However, you can't always get what you want.

"That's good to hear. Well done." He stared at me for a minute, the gears in his head turning. After a short silence, he spoke again. "I'm sure you're unaware of the incident that has happened in your absence. In fact, the only ones that know of it as of right now are executive members."

I was taken aback. I hadn't heard about anything happening while I was gone. "What sort of incident? Was there any causalities?" I did care for the lives of my subordinates in the Mafia, they were good and respectful towards me so I was the same to them.

The Boss frown interlacing his gloved fingers together before looking towards the window at the city outside. "Yes, there were a great many during a raid on a mysterious group that was attacking some of our ports. I believe you were acquainted with one of the men that was killed, Sakunosuke Oda."

My eyes widen at the name of Dazai's friend. I didn't know him that well but there was a lot of times where I'd go to meet Dazai and he'd be with him. The memory of a week ago when Dazai had invited me to drink with him came to mind.

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