Chapter 9- A Bath Together

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Sexual content.
NSFW chapter, may get kinky
Implication of past selfharm

Why did my bathroom smell like vanilla? Better yet, why was there running water with the scent of vanilla coming from my bathroom? The scent would have been calming if I wasn't so confused and worried about it.

I grabbed the doorknob and turned it, pushing it open. My eyes widened at the sight in front of me.

The room was dark, the only light coming from the candles that were lined along the edges and on the floor in front of the bathtub. Red petals accompanied the candles, laying beautifully. The scent was stronger now but there was another scent as well that lingered just after. Was that rose?

In the corner of the bathtub was a bottle of red wine and two glasses. What really set the picture though, was Dazai leaning back against the counter, his eyes on me and a dangerously seductive smirk on his face.

"Welcome home, Chuuya." His words dropped with honey as he pushed himself off the counter, walking over to me with his hands in the pockets of his pants.

"What in the world is all this?" I asked wrapping my arms around his waist when he came to stop in front of me, my eyes still on the setting that was my bathroom.

Dazai's hands rubbed up and down my shoulders before pressing a gentle kiss to the top of my head. "I figured you had a rough day considering you're three hours late getting home."

My face buried itself in his chest, taking in his cologne and feeling the soothing burn it gave my lungs. I smiled into his chest as I felt Dazai give my head another kiss.

I lifted my head and looked up into his dark brown eyes. "So, you thought that taking a bath would help me unwind from a stressful day?" I asked, my hands coming up to wrap around his neck. "Or is it just so you can see me naked?"

Dazai chuckled, pressing his forehead against mine. "A bit of both but I won't be able to see much with the bubbles in the way."

"Oh, a bubble bath. That explains the different scents," I spoke in almost a purr. I smirked and began to undo his bolo tie.

Dazai looked confused as I continued to trail my hands down to pull his shirt from his pants. "Hm? What are you doing, Chibi?"

I began to unbutton my vest before discarding it to the floor. "If you want me to relax, you're getting in that bathtub with me." I continued to strip until I was in nothing but my boxers. I walked over to the bathtub, turning off the faucet before sitting on the edge with my hands beside me and one leg crossed over the other. This was one pose that had always drove Dazai crazy.

It still held true because Dazai quickly began to pull off his clothes, discarding thing into the pile I had started on the floor. In nothing but his boxers and bandages he walked over to the bathtub, capturing me in a rough kiss.

My fingers came to tangle themselves in his brown waves while his hands ran down my waist before tightening his grip. He broke the kiss and looked at me with such fondness that I felt like I could melt.

"I want to touch you tonight," Dazai mumbled as he took my fingers from his hair and interlaced them with his.

I look at him dumbfounded. "I'm pretty sure we already agreed that we were going to have sex, so why are you asking this?"

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