Chapter 15- Do You Love Him?

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More vulnerable Dazai

When we had arrived, the Agency's doctor went straight to the Emergency room while I talked with the people at the front desk. I gave them Dazai's identification before I was asked a few questions about Dazai.

"What is your relationship with Mr. Dazai?"

"What is his mailing address?"

"Where is his place of work?"

In the middle of me answering questions, I see out of the corner of my eye, the doors open. A tall, blond man with glasses and a short, grey haired boy entered, seeming to look around for something.

I turned my head to look at them, catching Kunikida's attention. They approached me as the person finished and walked away from where I was sitting in the waiting room.

"Took you long enough. I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to show up," I quipped as I crossed my arms and threw my right leg over my left knee.

Kunikida placed his hands into his pants pockets as he looked at me. "My apologies. The President had a few questions he wished for me to ask you along with my own."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. It's the one thing I seem to be the best at today."

"How did you know about what was happening? From what Atsushi had told me, you went there specifically to find Dazai."

"He sent me a text this morning and I knew that he needed someone to come save his ass," I replied as reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I opened it and went to the Dazai and my text messages. I showed the screen to them which they both looked.

"Got these feelings that I don't wanna forget, but every memory is bloodstained, soaked in regret," The Kid started.

"It's the kinda thing that tears you up inside, yet it's the kinda thing that you feel you have to hide," Kunikida continued, confusion visible in his expression. "What does that mean?"

I lowered my phone, closing it with a sigh. "It's lyrics to a song that Dazai and I use to listen to when he was a bad mood after getting home. Eventually, it turned into a thing where if he were in trouble, he would send me lyrics to one of our songs."

"So, it was like a code the two of you had?" Atsushi asked, he seemed interested in learning about how Dazai use to do things.

I couldn't help smiling at the question. "Sort of. If Dazai were to be caught, especially on his phone, they would want to make sure he didn't call for backup, so instead they see lyrics to a song and just expect him to be either be flirting or just being an idiot with no sense of humor."

"I could see it being either one of them actually." The Kid seemed less impressed with his mentor. "But wait, why would he contact a member of the Port Mafia before contacting one of us?"

I was silence because it wasn't really my question to answer. Dazai had the chance to do that but messaged me instead.

During my moment of silence, Dazai's partner answered the question. "You're the one person Dazai trusts the most, isn't that right?"

I looked at him, unsure how to answer that. It was true that Dazai had a lot of trust in me but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm the most trusted person to him. He's put a lot of trust in a lot of people, and many of them have either broke that trust or left him behind in someway.

It hurt thinking I had been one of those to break the trust between us, that whatever we had could easily be severed as easily as we created it.

"That's a question that I can't answer honestly and even if I could, I don't know how I'd phase it," I finally said looking down at my lap.

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