Chapter 10- The Cherry Arrow

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

So loud. I reached over towards my nightstand, my eyes remaining closed as I searched for my alarm clock.

Beep! Beep! Be–

I hit the button and groaned tiredly. I curled back up in my blankets comfortably, warmth holding me close even though I had to get up in a few minutes.

Something felt a bit different than normal but I couldn't think of what it was as I laid there trying to wake up. I felt warmth pressed against my back which was something I wasn't use to in the morning.

"Why do you get up so early?" I heard a husked voice whisper into my ear. Well, that explained a lot.

I opened my eyes slightly as I laid on my back, looking up into the eyes of my lover. He smiled at me innocently, almost like a child who took a piece of candy without permission. He was leaning over me with his head propped up on his elbow and his other hand caressing my bare waist.

"Says the guy who doesn't sleep," I groggily spoke reaching up and brushing my fingers through his bangs. "What are you still doing here? Don't you always leave before I wake up?"

He shrugged. "I didn't feel like getting up yet." He lowered his head and placed a gentle peck to my lips before raising his head back up to look at me again. "I wanted to hold you a little longer too."

He moved the hand that was under his head to brush the loose strands of hair from my eyes. His hand then caressed my cheek as he smiled down at me.

It was so strange having him look at me like this, with such love and appreciation. I also wasn't use to looking at him this early in the morning considering he usually left before my alarm went off. It was strange but I couldn't help but like the look he was giving me as I woke up.

Thinking about it, there has never been a time when I woken up still in his arms. This began to sprout another thought.

Dazai has changed since the first time we were together. It could have been because he left the Port Mafia but that didn't mean his behavior would change towards me, or did it? He was much more gentler and seemed to want to be more helpful with things that I needed.

It was true that he had liked holding me before but that was also because he was a jealous bastard and wanted me as close to him as much as possible.

Another thing that seemed different was how different his trust was. Images from last night came to mind, the mental picture of seeing Dazai willingly fully exposed without his bandages. Sharing all the scars that he hid from everyone, letting me touch the painful reminders of his unsuccessful attempts on freeing himself from the tight shackles that held him to life.

My thoughts then shifted to the two scars that had caused him an immense amount of pain, not just physically, but mentally too. It was a painful memory for myself as well considering it was because of me that he had them.

"There's something troubling you, isn't there?" Dazai questioned with a frown, his hands still gently massaging my skin.

I blinked, not realizing I had zoned out. My eyes unconsciously landed on the long scar on his visible arm. I shifted my gaze quickly to his face before reaching my arm back around his head, pulling him down and giving a reassuring kiss to his lips.

I broke the kiss and gently massaging my fingers through his hair. "It's not really troubling me," I sighed, nuzzling the side of my head under his chin. I didn't want to bring it up this early, not because I didn't want to have the conversation, but because I didn't know how to have it.

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