Chapter 7- A Promise

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It didn't feel the same anymore. The comfort I had been given once before was no longer the way it had been all that time ago. The love was now gone and there wasn't anyway to mend the feelings the situation had caused.

"Why can't this couch be comfy like Chuuya's?" I complained to myself as I laid back on the sofa in the reception area of the Detective Agency. I spent a lot of time laying on this couch but after last night, I was reminded about how comfortable Chuuya's couch had been.

I groaned as I tried to make myself comfortable but with no luck. Giving up, I held up my book, "The Complete Guide to Suicide," and placed my arm behind me to pillow my head.

It wasn't even five minutes before I see from the corner of my eye, Atsushi peak around the edge of the wall into the reception area. He gave a look of concern mixed with annoyance.

"Uh, Dazai?" He came around the wall as he spoke. I drew my eyes away from my book to look at him, an innocent smile on my face.

"Hey there, Atsushi! What can I do for you?" I said with as much enthusiasm as I could. I knew I was slacking off when I should have been working on the case at hand but I had already done a lot this morning so I at least earned a nap.

"You know Kunikida isn't going to be happy when he comes back and you aren't working," he responded, stepping closer to me.

"Really? Do I not look like I'm working?" I sat up and placed my hands to my chest dramatically, faking a frown. "I'll have you know, Atsushi, that this is work too. I can't function properly without my beauty rest."

He gave me a look of confusion. "Uh huh? I still don't think Kunikida will be happy." He turned around to head back to his desk on the other side of the wall.

I laid back down and reopened my book while humming about a double suicide. My mind wasn't really on my work at the moment but on the events of the last few days with a certain red head.

Asking him out may not have been the ideal decision, however, he seemed to enjoy being with me again. I can't really disagree considering how I've been spending the last few nights with him.

It's almost funny how since we were reunited back at the Port Mafia after I had been captured by Kyoka, we were hostile and acted as though we were nothing but ex-partners with bad blood.

It wasn't completely the wrong way of thinking with how I had left Chuuya behind after Odasaku's death. I left without a goodbye or even an apology to the man I called my lover.

"Damn it, Dazai! You lazy, bandage waster!"

I hadn't even realized I had closed my eyes until I opened them to look at angry blond man above me. I smiled at him as his scowl grew.

"How may I help you, Kunikida?" I spoke slowly making his teeth grit together.

"Why aren't you working? We have a case to be working on and have no time for naps when we need to be dealing with anything we can figure out on these victims!" Kunikida waved a folder in front of me, most likely information of the victims in the case.

I yawned, sitting and stretching my arms over my head. "I actually have done some work on the case today," I uttered as I stood, playing my hands into my trenchcoat pockets.

"Oh? What exactly did you do on the case, Dazai? From the look of things, you were doing nothing but napping," Kunikida huffed out, shaking his head.

We walked over to desks where Atsushi and Tanizaki were working. Kunikida set down the folder on his desk, his eyes still looking for the answer to his question.

"I made a call last night to the Yokohama Prison's Warden regarding any video cameras in the cell block that Mr. Noguchi was being held," I began as I leaned back on the desk. "I said I was going to come retrieve the video clips today but I'll just make Atsushi do it instead." I shrugged with an amused grin, seeing Atsushi glare at me from the corner of my eye.

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