Chapter 1- Looking for a Tiger

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Edited plus added warnings and notes.

Dazai's usual mention of suicide

Dazai's P.O.V.

"What beautiful hands you have," I said, running my fingers down the hand of the beautiful young woman. "Would you please to me the honor of strangling me with th–"

I felt something hit my head hard, suddenly coming face first with the ground. My head throbbed from the pain and knew it probably wasn't the last of the beatings I'll get.

"Dazai, you moron! You skipped out on our meeting this morning to come and flirt with random women in the park?! How stupid can you get?!" I heard my partner yell at me.

I got up off the ground, rubbing the back of my head. "Do you have to hit me so hard, Kunikida?" I looked up at the man who had hit me.

Kunikida Doppo was a tall man with long blond hair, tied in the back in a ponytail. His eyes were a kelly green, always sharp and he wore glasses. He had been put in charge of me when I joined the Armed Detective Agency two years ago after completing my entrance exam.

"Why do you always do this? I can't always be responsible for your shenanigans. I have a schedule to uphold," he complained, pulling a small, green notebook out of his vest. "Plus, Atsushi was late because he was trying to look for you."

"Oh, you worry too much, Kunikida! Just because I didn't show up to one meeting, doesn't mean you should get so angry." I smiled at him as I placed both my hands into the pockets of my trench coat.

I watched as the veins popped out on his forehead. "One meeting, Dazai?! You miss almost every meeting unless I drag you there myself!"

"That's because I don't need to go to them to know what's going on," I beamed. "By the way, where is Atsushi?"

Kunikida sighed. "He was back at the Agency doing some work on– What are you doing?"

I had taken out my phone and began dialing Atsushi's number. "There's something important I've been meaning to discuss with him since this morning," I said seriously, placing the phone to my ear.

Kunikida crossed his arms, arching an eyebrow. "Important? Like what exactly?"

"If you got stuck during one of your suicide attempts, I'm not coming to get you out," Atsushi said quickly, answering the phone.

"Atsushi!" I said excitedly, ignoring Kunikida's questioning. "No, it's nothing like that! However, I do need you to meet with me about something."

"Meet with you? Where?" Atsushi asked, sounding surprised and a bit skeptical.

"In front of Yokohoma Stadium, Kunikida and I will be waiting for you there," I said before hanging up.

"Excuse me? Why are you dragging me along on one of your schemes?" Kunikida exclaimed as I put my phone way.

"Oh, don't be like that. There's something over in that area that I want to checkout and I need you and Atsushi to come with me," I explained, already walking towards the direction of Yokohama Stadium.

"Huh? What could you possibly need to look at over there?" He followed behind me.

"No point in spoiling the fun. I'll tell you once we meet up with Atsushi."

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