Chapter 21- Too Coincidental

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Dazai doing his job

All our private investigators sat around the table in the conference room, all except one. I leaned against the end of the table, eyes glued to the board before me covered in different information from our case.

I hadn't spoken a word, not even as the detectives entered and sat down. My focus was on the documents and the pictures in front of me.

I had concluded several things about this case that I had yet to tell Kunikida. That was going to be a problem if we couldn't figure out where he was or even how to find him.

From behind me, I heard Atsushi whisper. "Hey, Jun'ichiro. What's going on? Why were we all called here so urgently?"

"I don't really know myself. I was only told to call everyone here," the red haired boy responded. "But it does seem odd that this meeting was called by Dazai and that Kunikida hasn't shown up yet. Usually, Kunikida is the first one in here while Dazai nearly never shows up."

It was a true fact. I usually don't show up to meetings since I already know the things that were happening. Now, there was new information that we needed to figure out and sitting in a hospital room would have gotten nothing.

"I did find it kind of odd that he wasn't here. I wonder where he's at?" Atsushi seemed concerned as he probably should be. "Wait a minute, Dazai called this meeting!?"

Without looking, I could feel Yosano's eyes on me, questioning what I had planned. I had requested her not to share anything until we were all in this room. No one knew that Kunikida wouldn't be making it to this meeting.

I let out a sigh. "Atsushi, do you know what an angler fish is?" I asked aloud, pushing myself off the desk and turning to face him and the rest of the Agency members.

He seemed thrown off by the sudden question but seemed to try and think about it. It took only a few seconds before he was shaking his head. "I have no idea."

"They're a species of fish that live in the much deeper depths of the ocean and use techniques that utilize aggressive mimicry to lure their prey into a trap."

"They usual stay hidden when using those techniques," Kyoka added in, her eyes looking up from her hands that were folded over the table.

"Exactly, now a another question for you, Atsushi. If you were to commit a crime, how would you execute it? Manipulation of the mind to lure your victim into a trap? Use your victim's vulnerabilities as means of capture? Or the classic, catch them while they're down?"

Atsushi looked as though he was given a quiz he didn't know the answers to. "Umm, I guess the manipulation of the mind?"

"Wrong, it's all three," Ranpo said from the back corner of the table. He had a lollipop in his mouth that he pulled out to examine as he spoke. "Manipulate the mind with your victim's vulnerabilities and while they're stuck between what to do, you strike."

Ranpo's eyes met mine. "I'm sure you're aware of the questions on everyone's minds, what's the purpose of this emergency meeting and where is Kunikida?"

I could see it in everyone's eyes, those questions were what they were seeking answers for.

"Unfortunately, I only have the answer to one of those questions," I crossed my arms and looked over at the board. "This meeting is to discuss new information that involves our ongoing case."

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