Chapter 11- Something I'll Regret

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Mention of suicidal tendencies
As well as mentions of cheating

Dazai's P.O.V
I wonder what was wrong with Chuuya this morning, he seemed to be deep in thought about something. Maybe a mission he was on last night? Tired from paperwork? His left hand had seemed a little tensed up last night and he didn't sound very thrilled when he mentioned having paperwork.

That was when a thought popped into my head. Did I possibly do something? It was a stretch considering he wasn't threatening me but it was still a possibility. I thought about everything that I had done for him since last night. None of it seemed like something that would make him upset with me.

It could have been the sex, like he had said, but we had done rougher than that before so-

We had done it unprotected. He might have been right about his ass hurting since we had never had sex raw before. It was logical but he seemed very spacey while we were still in bed, something had his mind going. He could have been still waking up but I doubted that to be the reason.

I was probably overthinking the situation which felt odd for me. Usually, I knew what Chuuya was thinking but this conundrum had me worried over the multiple possible outcomes.

I sighed as continued walking along the streets of Yokohama, my hand fidgeting with the ring box in my pocket. I needed to think about something else for a little while. Whatever was wrong with Chuuya was something he wasn't ready to share with me yet and I needed to respect that.

I looked around at the different buildings and shops. Which one is the best place to skip out on work?

I could find a way to commit suicide but I don't think Chuuya would be too happy if I had possibly succeeded since I did make an unspoken promise not to leave him again. Well, more to myself than to him.

My eyes landed on the comic store down the street. That would be the perfect place to go since Kunikida refuses to go in the store, plus I needed some more comics to read anyway.

I began walking in the direction of the shop. What kind of comics should I get? Oh, I heard they released the next issue of-

"So, do you think the Detective Agency and the Port Mafia know what we're up to?" I heard someone say from the alleyway as I passed by. It was the voice of a woman, somehow familiar.

I stopped and leaned against the wall before bending down to pretend to tie my shoes, making it seem less awkward than just standing there. I was curious as to what they were wanting from both the Agency and the Port Mafia

"W-well, I'm not too sure. I haven't gotten any information on the Detective Agency but unfortunately, the Port Mafia has some leads on Fueki. One of their Executives, Nakahara Chuuya, is in charge of that case," the other, a male, said nervously.

Chuuya? Whatever mission Mori had him on, these people knew about it. Maybe this mission was what had him acting spacy.

"Is that so?" The woman sounded intrigued. "Ōgai really is a fool if he's having his right hand man in change of something like this."

I stopped pretending to tie my shoes and stood up, my back leaned against the wall with my hands in my coat pockets. I peered into the alleyway at the two people talking. The man was tall, with short dirty blonde hair and green eyes, he looked about as nervous as he sounded.

The woman was shrouded in shadows so I couldn't see her face. She was about Chuuya's height though and had expensive clothing from what I could see that wasn't hidden.

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