Chapter 30- Honey is Sweeter than Sugar

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P.O.V. switches (don't hate me for the second P.O.V. please)

Kunikida's P.O.V.

It was ridiculous how he could never show up on time for work. If I had to guess, he probably stayed home with the excuse that he was settling in at Chuuya's. That or he discovered a new suicide method.

Whatever the reason, thinking about Dazai and his idiotic tendencies would only throw off my schedule for today. I had more important things to think about.

I was typing a report as I glanced over at Atsushi who was typing on his laptop calmly.

"How are you feeling today, Atsushi?" I decided to ask him, feeling bad for the situation he had been in.

He looked up at me and gave me a beaming smile. "I'm actually doing just fine. I'm honestly surprised that they just laid me in my apartment after I fell unconscious."

"It was a surprise when Dazai told Yosano and I that the Atsushi that had come back with him was an imposter." I continued typing as the conversation carried on. "We got worried but Dazai assured us that you were fine."

He chuckled softly. "Yeah, I was very confused when I woke up to Kyoka and Haruno standing over me looking concerned."

"What matters is that you were safe and Dazai was able to figure it out before anything became worse."

He glanced over to the desk next to his. "Speaking of Dazai, I haven't seen him today? Shouldn't he have already been here by now?"

I let out a sigh, moving my hands from my keyboard as my arms crossed over my chest and I leaned back in my chair.

"It's only morning, usually when he hasn't shown up yet, he pops in around noon." I checked the watch on my wrist. 10:21. About two hours and the bastard might actually show up.

At least I hope he'll show up. He has a knack for coming in late but I couldn't help the odd feeling that something was amiss with him before he left the Agency yesterday.

He had seemed to be off in a hurry after speaking with the man that had pretended to be Atsushi. He had a look in his eyes that said he was on a mission but the question was what was it? Something to do with the case?

I pulled the small flash drive out of my pocket, looking at it questioningly. It was a small, red and black 16GB USB device. I was curious as to what this was carrying and why it had information that was on this device only.

"It has important information about the case that isn't in any of our systems or in the file on my desk."

What could he have meant when he said that? Did Dazai know more than he was letting on?

"What's that, Kunikida?" I heard Atsushi ask me, making me look over at him.

"A flash drive Dazai had given to me yesterday before leaving work. Apparently, there is some information on it that we don't have in any of our files."

The grey haired boy blinked in confusion. "Information we don't have? But wasn't Dazai struggling with this case yesterday?"

"Perhaps he had this information but didn't know what to do past what's on here. Dazai tends to try to stay ahead of the curve but even he has his roadblocks."

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