Chapter 31- The Oddly Normal

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May get confusing
Sexual content
Homophobia warning in third part. (It's not heavily written, but I still wish not to offend anyone, if it does bother you, I do apologize and will definitely make up for it with fluff as some point.)

Chuuya's P.O.V

The sound was so annoying. Blaring loudly even as I covered my ears with the pillow under my head with a groan. I knew that sound. It was the sound that I woke up to almost every morning.

When the it finally stopped, I relaxed and let go of the pillow. It was only second laters that I felt something warm and wet being pressed to my temple.

I hummed as I gave a small, tired smile. Another kiss was pressed to the corner of my eye then my cheek where more began to be pressed.

"Chuuya," the voice was relaxing to listen to. It was still rough with sleep but held a gentleness to it that felt welcoming. "Chuuya, baby, it's time to get up."

I groaned a little, leaning to lay on my back but ending up pressed against a warm chest instead, my head nuzzling under his chin.

"Don't wanna," I mumbled, pressing a kiss to his jaw. "Sleepy."

Dazai chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me against him. "Such a stubborn chibi." He started kissing my face again, making me smile with each one. Eventually, he's pressing a kiss to my lips and I was more than happy to return it.

When we broke the kiss, that was when I finally opened my eyes for the first time this morning, and the first thing I see was what I loved waking up to every morning.

Dark brown unruly hair that framed dark eyes of melted chocolate, caramel that stared into mine, and a smile as bright and beautiful as the moon.

I returned the smile, reaching my arm up and around his head, running my fingers through the softness of his hair. "Good morning, Osamu." I purred against his lips.

"Good morning, did you sleep well, baby?" His hand massaging my hip, where it still ached sometimes from when I had broken it- a year ago? How did I break it?

"Pretty good, I guess. I can't remember what I was dreaming about though."

Dazai hummed thoughtfully. "That's normal. You don't usually remember your dreams, do you?"

"No really," I yawned, stretching my arms. I looked back up at him again. "You have classes today?"

Dazai groaned, leaning back. "Yeah, I have two of them this morning and then one this afternoon. Did have another afternoon class but that's being canceled for a pep rally or something."

He sat up, throwing the covers off his legs and swinging them over the side of the bed. "I guess that means I need to be getting up and getting ready."

I turned on my side, watching him as he opened the closet to get his work clothes. He pulled off his sleep shirt, throwing it on the bed to be taken care of later, and slipping his light blue striped dress shirt over his shoulders and began buttoning it.

I smiled, leaning up on my elbows to continue watching him get dressed. "I can't believe I'm saying this but you getting dressed is about as sexy as you getting undressed."

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