Chapter 2- Happy Anniversary, Dazai

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Edited plus slightly added content.

Chuuya's P.O.V.

That damned Dazai. Why did I have to see him today of all days? I guess it's partially my fault too for deciding to go shopping today when I should have just stayed home.

It really wasn't my day and sadly, lying to Dazai didn't make it better. Though it was true that I was out getting some new houseware but then I had to be fucking stupid by throwing in the lie about having company tonight. A date at that.

I remember when today use to be one of the happiest days of my life. For four years, it had brought me joy, making me feel loved and wanted, warm and pleasant. However, these last four, the years after Dazai had left the Port Mafia,  have been nothing but a lingering of bittersweet memories and sorrow filled nights.

I walked down the streets of Yokohama until I finally got to my house. Setting my bags down on the pouch, I pulled my keys from my pocket, fumbling with them until I had my front door key.

I placed it into the lock, pushing the door open before pulling my key out and slipping them back into my pocket. I  grabbed my bags and entering through the door, closing it with my foot. I slipped off my shoes, leaving them next to the rack, not caring at the moment for clean up.

The house was quiet. No stupid little fights over nothing, no seductive comments as I entered through the door, nothing but the sound of my footsteps and the bags as I set them down on the counter.

I had insisted on working today but the boss had thought it was unwise and that I would best help the company by taking the day off. I knew it was because of my tempt and that almost everything would set me off the edge.

He said it wouldn't look good for the mafia if I had accidently killed our business partners or created causalities that would be hard to cover up from the government.

I sighed, removing my hat and coat, hanging them up on the coatrack next to the door before walking back to the kitchen. I opened up the cabinet and took out a single wine glass before retrieving one of my favorite bottles of wine from the wine rack.

I carried them to the living room where I made myself comfortable on the couch, setting glass on the table in front of me. I opened the bottle of wine, the smell drowning me with the sweet aroma of alcohol mixed with the scent of berries. I tipped the bottle over my glass, pouring until it filled half the glass.

I sighed, setting down the bottle down to grab and raise my glass. "Happy Anniversary, Dazai," I said before taking a sip. I took the glass from my lips and twirled the wine around, the red substance sticking to the sides. "Would have been eight years, had you stayed with the Port Mafia. Stayed with me."

Four years ago, that was when it had happened, that was when Dazai left. I had been sent off on a mission for a little while and when I came back that day, I was told that Dazai had turned traitor, leaving the Port Mafia and me behind.

I remembered how the Boss tried to give me sympathy about how my boyfriend and partner had just left me behind with no goodbye or explanation.

I told him that Dazai and I had broken up prior to my mission and was glad he was gone, hoping I could fool him so the subject would be dropped. Even though it was a lie, it did what I hoped it would, helping me get out of the conversation.

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