Chapter 22- Always the Role Model

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Description of violence
Description of minor torture

He continued walking, looking around at the different aspects of the warehouse. He had an almost soft expression, like he was reliving old memories.

"What's he doing here?" Haruko whispered, hiding behind me as she peeked around the corner at Chuuya.

"This warehouse most likely belongs to the company he works for but was long abandoned," I guessed as I continued watching him. He leaned against a stack of crates, pulling out his phone and looking at the screen.

Haruko's question did spark my own. If this warehouse was abandoned, why was he here? From the look of it, I'd say he was waiting on someone or something.

As soon as my thoughts ran through the different questions, there were more footsteps but not from Chuuya. They were coming from the same direction that Haruko and I had come from.

I pushed her a little farther behind me, hoping to not be noticed as the steps got louder. I looked back at Chuuya, noticing that he heard them too by the way he placed his phone back into his pocket and straightened his posture.

Were they meeting? From the way that Chuuya was moving towards where the other set of footsteps were coming from, a smirk like he was expecting whoever it was to show up.

What I didn't expect was for Chuuya to raise the pitch of his voice as he says. "Mr. Fueki? Is that you?"

"Ah, my lovely Chiyo! You're already here, I see," a man's voice rang as he came out from behind the crates that separated him from Chuuya.

Chuuya moved fast, grabbing the guy's arm and pinning it behind his back before pushing him to the ground. "Sorry, Bastard, but your 'lovely Chiyo' is nothing more than an act."

The man seemed panicked as he tried to escape from Chuuya's grasp. The redhead tightened his hold, pushing the man down harder into the cement.

He was an older man, maybe about the age of the President. From the looks of things, he was the type of man to prey on younger people.

The man groaned out in pain, "You lied to me! Who are you and what are you wanting from me?"

"I'm asking the questions here, Shithead! Now, we're either going to do this the easy way, where you willingly answer all my questions or-" a red aura surrounded his body as well as the other man's body. "We can do it the hard way, where I beat the shit out of you for them."

"Okay! Okay! I'll talk! Just release my arm!" The man shouted as he struggled against the ground.

Chuuya chuckled before releasing his grip on the man's arm. "Good answer."

He took a step back as the man pulled himself into a sitting position with his arm held to his chest. From where I was standing I could see Chuuya lean against some crates with his arms crossed over his chest as the man stood up and looked at the redheaded male.

"First question, your organization, what are they wanting and who are they?" Chuuya got straight to the point with his questioning. "And don't dare lie to me, unless you'd like to be six feet under in less than two seconds."

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