Chapter 17- My Reason To Live

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Mentions of sex
Sad Chuuya
Slightly implied possessive Dazai

Chuuya stilled and turned back to face me, his eyebrows narrowed in a confused expression. "Ms. Anzu is your nurse, isn't she?"

I shook my head. "No, I don't know anyone by that name."

Chuuya looked like he didn't know what to do. He stood there with a confused look, like what was happening was complete nonsense.

"But the other day, when she came up to me, Four-eyes introduced her and she told me that she would be the one taking care of you."

I looked at Kunikida. "You introduced her? Did the two of you know each other?"

"Sort of or at least I thought so. We met her that day in the park when we were looking for Atsushi," Kunikida added in, seeming just as confused as Chuuya and myself.

The woman from the park? Almost everything about that statement seemed off but I needed to know what exactly Kunikida remembered from that day.

"Kunikida, what do you remember from that exchange in the park with her?" There was something going on here and I didn't like where it was going.

"Hold on, before we go into this, shouldn't we get something for Dazai's pain?" Atsushi said quietly, probably unsure of what to do in this situation.

"My actual nurse will be in here in about ten minutes to check on me, I can endure it until then," I replied motioning for Chuuya to come back over to me, which he did, sitting where he was previously. "Now, Kunikida, what do you remember from that exchange?"

He was silent for a moment, trying to think of how to explain what had happened. "You and I were talking as we walked through the park, we were looking for Atsushi, and the two of you ran into each other. As you were apologizing she started blaming herself," he paused, still trying to recall the exchange. "Then your idiotic self tried to ask her for a double suicide."

Chuuya looked over at me with a scowl. "So, is that what you do on the day of our anniversary?" He whispered through clinched teeth.

I gave him an apologetic smile. "Technically, we weren't together until that night," I defended myself. His glare sharped on me, so I added, "It won't be happening again."

Kunikida cleared his throat before speaking again. "After that, she asked if we lovers which I declined because it probably takes training to deal with you on that scale."

"Sadly, training wasn't included in the packaging," Chuuya mumbled making me choke on a laugh.

"After that I mentioned that we were looking for Atsushi and she pointed towards the fountain where Atsushi had slipped and fallen in. Before leaving she introduced herself and we returned with our own."

"Alright, I'm going to stop you there," I raised my index finger. My eyes traveled to Atsushi. "Atsushi, do you remember what happened to you that day?"

"Um, well, I was waiting on you and Mr. Kunikida to meet me by the fountain in the park when I dropped my phone, lost my balance and fell in."

It was odd. The story the two of them were telling me wasn't that same one that happened.

"But hold on, you didn't fall in the fountain in the park. You guys were in the shopping district over by Yokohama Stadium," Chuuya chimed in, crossing his arms over his chest as he rested his right leg over his left knee, his thinking position for when he's sitting down. "If I'm correct, you were on the phone and some kid started screaming at you. She backed you into the fountain where you fell in before she ran."

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