Chapter 25- One Soul in Two Bodies

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Fluff in this chapter
Talk of suicide and past attempts
May get emotional

I groaned at the sound of beeping near my head. Without opening my eyes, I reached over to grab my phone on the nightstand. I had actually managed to get into a comfortable sleep, but as life would have it, simply not happening right now.

I opened it and answered the call before placing it to my ear. "This had better be a good reason to have actually woke me up, and I can't say that often."

My voice was deeper than normal from my sleep and it seemed I wasn't the only one that noticed it because Chuuya made a soft questioning sound from where his head still laid on my chest as I spoke but he didn't wake up.

"My apologies, Dazai, but this has to do with the case," Yosano's voice came from the other end of the line.

I groaned again, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. "What about it? Technically, since I was hospitalized, I can't be working this case at the moment. Doctor's orders."

"And since when do you listen? With Chuuya being in danger, I suspected you'd to want this case solved and the mastermind put up," she sounded surprised but she wasn't wrong. I never followed doctors orders, it was hard to do when you worked for the Armed Detective Agency.

"Of course, I want this case solved. I'm just saying you gave me orders to rest and I am resting." I laughed. Yosano was always fun to talk with, even if she did wake me, the back and forth debate was entertaining.

"But that's not the reason you called, is it?" My hand dropped down to Chuuya's hip as he stirred slightly, probably from my talking.

"No," Yosano gave a defeated sigh, like the news she was about to give wasn't good, and I was right. "As you had ordered, we went to interrogate and talk with the supposed kidnap victims." She paused.

I could tell the second part of the plan had failed just by the way she was speaking. My problem now is I don't know where it went wrong until she tells me what happened. Then again, there could also be a benefit to the failure if I played the right cards.

"Yosano, what happened?" I sat up slightly, earning me a grumpy groan from Chuuya. He lifted his head, shooting me with a tired glare.

"When we got there, we were informed that all the victims had disappeared without a trace."

My eyes widened. Twenty-eight people had vanished with no proof that they had even been there. It was odd but it did give us something.

I smirked, the feeling of it similar to that of my days in the Mafia. "That's actually perfect." My tone had dropped, replacing my tired rough voice with a more dangerous one.

That seemed to have alarmed Chuuya because he sat up to look at me with concern. I ran my fingers down his back, telling him to relax, but that didn't change his expression.

Yosano sighed, "Dazai, the plan was to talk and get information from them about the organization. How is it perfect that they-"

"It means they're withdrawing for now. They're taking their pawns from the game to ensure that they are saving their queen," I explained, pulling myself up more into a sitting position. "They had them there as a means to keep the Agency distracted but since we now know that they were just playing victims, their boss removed them from the field to protect any information about the organization.

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