Chapter 14- I Need You To Trust Me

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Attempted suicide, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, vulnerable Dazai

The one day I needed my car and I didn't drive it. I managed to get there within fifteen minutes of leaving the diner, so hopefully I made it in time. But why now?

I went up the stairs on the side of the building quickly, almost flying up them from how fast I was going and stopped at the door I knew was Dazai's.

I knew it was Dazai's because he gave me the number for the condo in case I needed something from him. I never really intended to ever come here unless he were ill or if he actually asked for my help.

I banged my fist on the door, my breath heavy and uneven. I was in full panic now. It was interesting how someone can go from worried to panicked in a matter of seconds, without knowing the complete severity of the situation.

"Dazai! Open this damn door before I kick it down!" I shouted, continuing to hammer my fist against the door. I didn't care that it was so early. I didn't care if the other members of the Detective Agency found me trying to destroy Dazai's door.

I needed to make sure Dazai was okay. I had to know that he was alive and that he didn't leave me again. I didn't want to feel that loneliness anymore. I wanted the warm arms holding me, the arrogant and flirting voice teasing me. I wanted Dazai.

"Dazai, open the door!" I hit my fist against the door, the sound rattling the walls and the door hinges. "Please." My voice broke.

"What's going on out here?" A groggy voice spoke from my right. I stopped and looked over at the grey haired kid standing by the door next to Dazai's, yawning. I think his name was Atsushi.

He then opened his eyes and looked at me, his expression changing into surprise. "Ch-Chuuya?! What are you doing here?!" His eyes shifted to the door next to me and he became guarded. "Why are you at Dazai's door? Just so you know, he hasn't been home in–"

"He's here," I stated, earning me a confused look. "Now, tell me. Is there any other way into his apartment?"

The Weretiger seemed confused but still cautious. Dazai really knows how to pick his apprentices, one being reckless and the other cautious.

"Why do you need to get to him so badly? I know you two don't like each other but–"

I growled. "Let's make this quick, Kid! If I don't get into this apartment now, there isn't going to be someone for me to not like!"

His eyes widened and I could see him begin to shake. "Wh-what do you mean by that? Are you telling me Dazai is actually going to ki–" he paused seeming to process the severity of the situation. "How can I help?"

I looked at the door, thinking quickly and logically was never something I was good at. I didn't have the patience and usually I acted on angry impulses. Dazai was the one that thought things through. He's even claimed, back when we were still partners, that he thinks for the both of us when in situations like this.

"Are there any spare keys to your apartments?" I asked, the feeling in my chest aching more than before.

"Yes, Mr. Kunikida has them incase any of us lose ours." The Kid seemed ready to do whatever he could for Dazai. It honestly made me glad that Dazai was able to make an impact in the lives of his coworkers, just like he had been a major impact in mine.

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