Chapter 33- O Grantors of Dark Disgrace

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Just a lot of talking

Dazai's P.O.V.

A headache was the first thing I registered as I slowly began to regain consciousness. The second was the inability to move my arms and legs.

I began opening my eyes, my eyelids heavy from however long I had been out. Once I was able to blink some of the sleep away, I took in my situation.

I was in a chair, my arms were tied round the back of the chair with rope while my legs were bound to the front legs with the excess rope that was around my arms.

The next thing was my surroundings. Everything was dark but from the looks of it, I was sitting in a dressing room of some kind. It was large with high ceilings. It reminded me of a gymnasium.

"I see you're finally awake," a voice greeted me as I looked forward to see a woman sitting in front of a large mirror and vanity. The only light in the room coming from the nine large lightbulbs that surrounded the mirror.

Hasegawa was applying eyeliner, making a wing to match the one on her other eye. Next to the vanity was a mannequin head with a wig. Long blond curls.

"You know, if you're not careful, that make up will give you acne," I smirked as she shot a glare at me through the mirror.

"Something old girlfriend's had trouble with?" She asked trying to sound innocent but failing as her expression didn't fit.

My smirk grew wider. "Chuuya had a lot of trouble with it when we had to go undercover. We found out that his skin is a La Roche-Posay fan."

She scowled, turning around before pushing light brown strands behind her ear. "You're disgusting, dressing Chuuya up like he's some doll."

I scoffed. "Please, sweetheart. Chuuya dolled himself up on his own accord. He liked the way it looked and it made him happy. Who was I to tell him no?"

She stood from her stool, walking over to where I sat with her arms crossed. "Then I could have made him happy. I could have given him whatever he wanted to wear but you had to interfere."

I cocked an eyebrow. "I'm sorry? Are you blaming me for not letting you have my boyfriend? Is that what all this is about?"

She began circling around me, like a shark. "No, it's not the only reason." She stopped behind me, turning the chair and me to the side before she got close to my ear. "I did it because you and the Port Mafia ruined my career."

She moved away, coming to stand beside me. In front of me was now a black curtain.

"Alright? So, what, your big plan was to kidnap Chuuya as leverage? The Port Mafia is the most powerful organization in Yokohama, they don't take kindly to threats."

She seemed to ignore me. "I had always dreamed to be on stage, acting and being the actress that everyone paid hundreds to come and watch." She started her circling again. "But as every big time star, I had to start from the bottom and work my way up.

"There was a theater over by the port that was said to have been under the protection of the Port Mafia. It no longer exists, having been reduced to rubble a lot time ago. But it hosted some of the best shows the stage had to offer."

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