That's Classified Information.

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<Y/n's POV>

      I woke up late to my alarm causing me to rush myself to get ready as Aizawa was sipping his coffee while reading up on the News on his phone.

  "We leave in a few minutes just to let you know.."


  I stammered swiftly across my room floor after brushing my hair, tossing my brush on my bathroom counter shutting the light off twice since I didn't hit it the first time..

  "Calm down, you still have 9 minutes.." Aizawa stated taking a drink of his cup of coffee, "I know but I still have to eat and brush my teeth!" I swiftly said as I poured myself a bowl of cereal, not a lot since I knew I couldn't finish it in time this morning..

  "Why didn't you wake me up when my alarm didn't?!" I asked before shoving my breakfast in my mouth, scarfing it down awaiting his response, "Well, I didn't think you were going to wake up that really are slipping up this morning aren't you Y/n.?"

  He asked teasingly making me a bit frustrated as I ate.

"I hate you.."

  I earned a scoff from Aizawa before he answered with a small smirk

"Don't worry I love you too.."

< Time skip to U.A. >

    "You two were almost late!- Where were you?!" Present Mic greeted us as we came into our original classroom with the students all sighing in relief of our presence.

  "Y/n woke up late, and I just waited on her-"

  "You prick!- you could have woke me up!"

"Yeah, but I was still getting ready by the time you woke up, so I couldn't have.."

  "You just love using excuses don't you?!" I huffed as I put my stuff down against the wall as I slid down it getting comfy before Present Mic and Aizawa had a small conversation before the loud energetic teacher finally left, leaving Aizawa to his teaching.

"Thank god!"


"No offence, but I thought we were going to have to listen to Present Mic all day.." Mina claimed as she slumped back in her seat relaxing her stiffened body, "Yeah me too..!" Kaminari added, "He is a fun teacher and all, but I could barely understand him when he was trying to ask us why Mr. Aizawa and Y/n weren't here.." Kirishima commented.

  "Now- everyone don't judge another teacher by their different ways of teaching, even if they are loud and obnoxious!" lida stated waving his arms in a running motion stiffly.

    I laughed at them before Aizawa started class, but I skimmed the class seeing everyone there, but Todoroki wasn't there.. nor was Izuku..

'Where could they be..?'

< In the middle of teaching >

    "Yes Ochako?" the baby mochi then placed her arm down before answering, "Do you know where Todoroki and Deku are?" she asked obviously worried about them.

  "No, I haven't seen them yet today, sorry.." was all Aizawa replied with..

'I mean it was probably the truth, I was kind of worried myself not seeing my favorite boy to talk to from time to time..'

    "Ok, anymore questions..?" Aizawa asked stacking papers together neatly before placing them back on his desk.


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