Growing Impatient...

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'Date: 2/11/20## The 11th of February'

'Today will be my first time going on a secret mission, and to think it would be with my-'

  I ceased my writing in my small note book journal as I heard a door click shut.

  I smiled to myself as I closed my journal shut after finishing my sentence, calmly placing it back in the drawer to my bed side table, clicking it shut, leaving my desk along with the small pen that could erase.

  "Home so early?" I asked intriguingly at Aizawa as he finished taking his shoes off, walking over to the counter, packing a few extra things besides his scarf this time around.

  "What's all this?" I asked not examining the objects at all, "Things we might need during the small mission.."

  Aizawa mentioned placing them down on the counter top, leaving his hands to be placed in his pockets, "Ah~ Gotcha!"

  I smiled as I aimed to skip to my room, but something grabbed a hold of my wrist slightly pulling me backwards, "Eh..?" was all that came out of my mouth as I felt Aizawa wrapped his arms around my waist tiredly laying his head down on my shoulder.

  "Awe, are you sleepy?~" I teased petting his surprisingly soft black hair, "..Yeah..." he admitted right away as I ceased my hand from petting his head.

  I could tell he noticed since he stiffened a bit, "I didn't say stop.." he mumbled into my ear only making my mind go to a place I wish it didn't, but it made my body grow red by the second.

  "You're growing impatient aren't you?" I teased again, but he stayed silent, not moving.

  "Okay then you needy cat." I commented payfully as I resumed stroking his hair like a short mother would to her son just to show affection to him, "Lucky I found you cute.." Aizawa's voice but through the air swiftly leaving me confused, "Huh..? What do you mean?"

  I asked still not getting his message, "I mean if I didn't see you more than an assistant you wouldn't be here or in my house.." he finished making me feel a bit worried.

^ He was just joking around ^

  "O-oh, gotcha.." that made my heart hurt a bit.

'but at least he likes me..'


   I felt fear and doubt in the pit of my stomach as I still stroked his hair, but my arm ceased to move once again, though this time my whole body became stiff and no matter how hard I tried my limbs wouldn't listen to me.

"Hey.. Y/n.."

    I heard Aizawa's voice call out, but my voice was caught in my throat making me unable to speak.

'Mother of cheesecake please let me move!!'

  Was all I called out in my head before adrenaline kicked in.

  I felt Aizawa's hands slip off of me for a split second, but I took that as an entrance to freedom.

  I didn't waist any time, so I darted off into my room, I didn't shut my door which was mistake number one, "Hey." was all I heard as I hid my body underneath the covers of my bed.

  "Why did you suddenly run away from me?" Aizawa's voice was clearly a bit annoyed by my actions just now.

  I didn't respond to him, that was mistake number 2.

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