Is This Goodbye..?

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< Y/n's POV *Small B.G. Info 4 U* >

    I've been stuck here for 2 days now, and they beat me up pretty good the other night for being too cocky, and starting some trouble.

They still won't let me go, I was bleeding on my leg from that girl with the school uniform, she took a good amount of my blood... I passed out afterwards...


< Present time<3 >

    I felt my heart jump as I was awoken by a guy with turquoise hair, a hand over his face, and he was wearing all black.

He placed his hand back to his side, "Well that was easier than I thought..." he mumbled as I stared at him.

"When can I go exactly..?" I asked with my morning voice in use, "Wow, that voice was way different than yesterday's.." I tilted my head in confusion.


  "Oh yeah, you slept all night, so you weren't really a handful like the other UA brat was..."

   I yawned as I sat there listening to him mumble about how much he hated hero's and ya-da-ya-da...

  "Are you implying that I'm boring?" His comment caught my attention.

  I looked at him a bit annoyed at the moment since I had just woken up, but he didn't answer making my emotional state tick a little.

   "No, if I sit too long after waking up I just get tired, and lazy..." I yawned again, but this time when my mouth closed, he grabbed my face squishing it and forcing me to face him.

  "Yawn one more time and I'll disintegrate you..." I nodded my head in agreement, "Wow..." he squeezed my face, before releasing it, just to squeeze it again, "You have a really squishy face..." I jerked my head away.

" like that then, just don't forget that we're your only way out of here.. and if you choose to be difficult I'll just make sure you don't ever leave..." he stated as he turned away on his heels all cocky.

"You wouldn't dare.." I commented sarcastically glaring at him as he walked away.

"Oh I would...~"

    I let my head hang low as I felt salty tears build up in my eyes. I didn't blink  so they wouldn't fall, but they built a wall up to where I couldn't see, so I had to blink out of instinct.

They dropped down my face as I bit my bottom lip in an attempt to stop its quivering, but it still twitched here and there.

'I was supposed to hang out and have fun with dad until it was his time to leave.. but I can't do that if I'm hear of all places..!'

'And my quirk isn't working like I'm being strapped with quirk retaining ropes or something!!'

'How am I supposed to escape this place?!'

< After few hours >

  "Yeah, but she's becoming
useless to us so far..."

  "What if the heroes are doing some
sort of secret operation though..?"

  "It's highly unlikely they
would do all that for a
single woman unless-"

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