School problems

449 14 4

< Y/n POV >

I yawned as I drug myself out of bed, getting dressed, brushing my teeth and my hair.

  I did my makeup to clean myself up a bit, deodorant, one spray of perfume, and walked out to the kitchen placing my clipboard on the counter with my pen sitting on top.

  "You know.. I never seen you ever use that desk I got you.." Aizawa commented, "Yeah...about that, I've been a little scared to move back there.."

  I nervously fumbled with my shirt after sitting down across from him as he was making breakfast, "Is something wrong with it? I can exchange it for a new one if you'd like.." he took down 2 plates and placed the fluffy pancakes on them, 2 on each.

  "Oh!- no! it's fine, I just...don't wanna be alone back there.." I mentioned as I fiddled with my hands not wanting to wrinkle it even more than I did, "What do you mean..?"

  I sighed as I glanced up at him as he handed me my plate of pancakes with syrups on top, "I never really like do I say this without sounding like a brat..." I mumbled before finding the some what right words to say.

"Well...I never really was found at sitting alone, plus when I'm up there with you, I don't feel like their gazes are on me most of the time.."

  I mentioned as he kept eye contact with me before swallowing his bite of pancakes, "There a reason why you don't like to sit alone..?"

  I just sighed with a nervous laugh following my sad look on my face, "'s a stupid reason, but it gives me so much anxiety.." I mumbled as I took a bite of my plate of pancakes gladly.

  I covered my mouth before speaking, "Wow! These are good!" I commented swallowing my food, taking another bite in pure bliss.

  "Glad you like it, but I will be waiting for that answer.." I looked up at him and plastered a small genuine smile on my lips before speaking again, "We'll see how life goes, if I do, you'll know more, if I don't you'll know less.." I mumbled as I took another bite of my food, swallowing it after chewing,

"But I guess I could give it a try.."

I mumbled looking at Aizawa who had taken another bite of his pancake, "You may look like a sleep deprived dad that drinks alcohol on the weekends to get away for a bit, but you sure are cute.."

  Aizawa just looked up at me with a humorous expression.

  I was laying my head on my hand as I gazed at him, "Thanks.." he responded only to earn a smile from me, "You're welcome!"

  I smiled before finishing my pancakes and washing the dishes before grabbing my clipboard and pen, walking over to the front door, putting on my shoes, and leaving for U.A.

< Mini Time Skip To U.A. >

I felt my feet throb as I continued to walk into the classroom.

   I finally seen the desk in the back and sighed remembering what I said back at the house before I slipped by the first row of students as I greeted them good morning before I sat my belongings on the desk.

  I sat down in the cushioned black seat that was accompanied with wheels.

'now that...'

'That I love.'

  "Miss. Y/n, do you like the desk?" Uraraka asked me a bit intrigued, "Oh, yes I do, it's very comfy..!" I mention as I swiveled in the seat.

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