Never Again.

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< Sorry it's short:(  >

< Midoriya's POV >

I've been sitting at my desk for a while now before I got up and decided to look out the class window only to see Kachan walking out in his regular walk.

  It hurt me to know who would even want to do that to another person, though I still hope that it wasn't kachan that did what had happened.

  After I was left alone with my thoughts, I finally was left with a stinging hatred against whoever had just now disappeared from behind the U.A. doors.

  'I have been trying to reason with this, just clinging onto what hope I had left that it wasn't actually him that did it..'

  It hurt me both physically and mentally but...

'Kachan- no... not Kachan.....'


'There won't be a next time....'


'You fake, Bakugou.'




'Never again.'




(Drama idea from SSiri6 thank you for the idea! The next chapter is going to have more, so be prepared I guess😂 I'm going to leave it at this just to put you guys in suspense.)




(cause I can UwU but like always guys, I love you and stay safe!🥰)

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