I'm...not sure..

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< Y/n's POV >

   Me and Aizawa walked out of the party with a slight sober state, "YYOOoooo...~" we both looked over at a drunk Present Mic as Midnight held him with a slightly annoyed face,

"What're you two lovebirds doin'?"

"We're heading home..." I nodded in agreement as Mic just stared at us with a huge grin before Midnight started to speak.

  "He's not gonna be able to drive and Principal Nezu asked me to drive him home, so now I can't really slip myself out of this mess now..." she explained.

  I just gave her a nervous giggle as we all spoke for a bit, "-But yeah, we'll have to get home before Snowball starves to death.." I joked as we parted ways.

  "Yeah, it was nice talking with you two.!"

  "Yeah same here, cya tomorrow!"


   Me and Aizawa got onto the train, sitting down in separate seats, relieved to be out of the place.

"So how was your first party?" He asked, "Not that bad, but I'm surprised that nothing bad happened.." I stated as I thought about it, "But there was a person there that kept catching my eye..."

  I crossed my legs placing my hand under my chin in a thinking position, "She...kept glancing around like someone was about to jump her or something.."

  "What do you mean..?" Aizawa asked as I felt his eyes fall on me, "She kept her eyes everywhere, but her eyes always fell on All Might for a long period of time, there was another point to where she was staring straight at me with a creepy glare of concentration.."

  I felt shivers run through my body just thinking about it. "Well...do you know what she looked like..?"

  I thought about his question for a while before answering with a straight answer, "She looked like that one pro hero...what's her name..um- Uwabami!!- thats her name, but I heard that it was confirmed that she was in another country right now because of a important meeting..."

  Aizawa checked his phone for something, but after a few minutes of silence, we were at our stop.

< Time skip to chill time =3= >

  After taking a quick shower I laid down on my bed after drying my hair, and brushing it, "..seriously though....why was she acting so strange..."

  I sat there staring at my ceiling before getting mad making a frustrated face.

  I was going to sit up only to hear Aizawa closing his shower door, "You alright Y/n..?" He asked with his monotone voice a bit more relaxed than earlier.

  'I guess that's because he just got out of the shower..'

"Yeah...I'm just still a bit bothered by the girl at the party, Uwabami..."

"I asked Principal Nezu about it, and he also confirmed that she was in another country during the party, but he didn't seem to see her there, so he didn't give it much thought then.."

  I furrowed my eyebrows as I brought my attention to the floor as I gripped my dress lace, scrunching it up, "I hate not knowing things...it makes my head hurt so much, and I don't like to know just little details either, if I don't get to the bottom of this I'll probably die of curiosity..."

  I admitted making a slightly sad face, "You make it sound like your a detective in a crime scene..."

  "Hm?- oh...I'm sorry, I just don't like not knowing things..." I mumbled a bit embarrassed, "I'll be honest I don't like not knowing things either, but.." he left me on a cliff hanger before I looked up at him, he had his back turned to me now.

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