When Will This Day End?

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"But... what..."

" just happened..?"




I gathered my thoughts and tried to reason this out.

" Ok, people don't blush unless their embarrassed or they like someone, but I know that I'm not too bad, but still.. Nah! Mr. Aizawa wouldn't like me, that's ridiculous, he probably just lost his composure for a few seconds.. yeah!"

I felt my heart sink into despair at the thought of him not liking me at all.

  "-but if he does like me...." I felt the butterflies come back with the thought flooding my brain.

I brought both my hands up to my face, slapping both my cheeks as a weak attempt to calm myself. I gathered my belongings as sat in silence to make sure I was okay.

' When will this day end?...'

I huffed as I swung my head back only for it to make impact with the wall as I tried to look up, causing me to drop all my things and grab the back of my head where I had hit it in pain, "You freakin' serious man..?!"

I whispered internally crying until I finally got up. Scooping up my things and reorganizing them.

Well.. that was until I went to grab my pen, but another hand picked it up for me, of course it was Mr. Aizawa, "O-Oh...hey..." I mumbled as he glanced up at me, my pen in hand.

For some reason I felt like I had done something wrong, and I was being silently scolded by his eyes.

I felt my heart sink as he handed me my pen. I swiftly placed it in my bag, and went to turn around, "Thanks, but I should get going now..!" but before I could escape I felt something grab my wrist tightly.

I turned to see it was Aizawa, one hand in his pocket, the other holding my wrist.

"Are you really gonna keep running away from me?..." his tone was obviously annoyed, but when I tried to use my quirk, I waited a few moments, but it didn't work.

When I glanced up at Mr. Aizawa, his eyes were glowing red, and his hair, along with his scarf, were floating, "Cheesecake...." I grumbled under my breath. I felt a little bit of my anxiety kick in as he dragged me into the teachers lounge.


  "Oh- yeah I got out of my cursing habit by cursing in sweets.. sorry.."

  I heard Mr. Aizawa's sigh as he was reluctant to let go of my wrist as we walked.

  "It's fine, just don't go running off like that here.."

'What was I even running for..?'

"Mr. Aizawa I said I'm sorry..!~" I whined as he still has yet to release my wrist from his grip.

After a few minutes I tried to use my quirk, but failed, "Man how long can you not blink?!" I turned around as he let go of my hand as I followed him, "A little more than 17 minutes... something like that..." I stared at him in disbelief.




I walked beside him as we reached the door way into the teachers lounge area. Before we even opened the door, we heard an All Might ringtone go off. When we slid the door open a dude with blonde hair answered it with a similar voice as the ringtone.

Professional Enough (Mr Aizawa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now