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< 3rd POV >

   Y/n was hit by a Rewind quirk which basically resets your body back to when you were a baby just learning how to speak.

Y/n is learning how to talk, while instead of Aizawa taking you to class and being a distraction, you were with Principal Nezu learning more of how to speak better.

^ You could picture the word in your mind and know what it is, you just need help pronouncing it ^

"See? It's simple!" Nezu cheered waiting for Y/n's response, "Y-yeah!" She cheered with him throwing her arms up in the air as he spun you around in his chair as his hands happily clung to you before the sound of a door opening broke the mood.

Nezu placed Y/n on his hip watching Endeavor take a step in before closing the door behind him, "You said you wanted to meet me today."

"Ah yes, I did, please hold her for a second while I clean off my desk." Nezu asked handing endeavor the small child over without his answer.

Endeavor held the child in his large hands, looking at her before she pointed at him and yelled, "!" She chanted laughing continuously almost dropping her binky out her mouth.

Endeavor just held her in his large arms, cradling the small child as she tried to grab onto his hero suit multiple times.

"Who's child is this.?" Endeavor asked looking down at the small child, trying to see a resemblance in anyone he knew, then back at Principal Nezu who just finished putting his books up in there correct place.

Before coming back over to collect the small child from the flaming man, he fixed his seat, -with now organized books on his desk- sitting back down in his chair.

^ That helped his height by adding a few books for him to sit on ^

"Now, your question about who's child this is, you want to know correct?" Nezu asked as Endeavor stood instead of sitting.

  "Yes." His quick and dry answer was reciprocated by the lenient principal.

Nezu looked down at the baby he was holding replacing her binky with her bottle as she took it with pleasure.

  "Aizawa brought her here, saying that this was his assistant that got hit by a Rewind quirk one morning.. Miss. Y/n was her name." Nezu stated calmly watching the baby so she didn't choke.

"A rewind quirk...I've heard of something similar to that..." Endeavor stood there comprehending the quirk itself, "Yes, she got hit by a quirk, but how about we get on the topic of why you're here Endeavor."

Nezu caught the man from chasing his thoughts, "Yes, now-"

< After their meeting >

   "Do you understand what the goal is in the mission now?"

"Yes, thank you Principal Nezu." Endeavor then headed over to the door to take his leave, "Anytime Endeavor."

Before they knew it, he was gone after that door clicked shut, leaving Principal Nezu alone with a sleeping Y/n.

< Outside of the office with Endeavor >

   Endeavor was walking hastily as he thought about how he was going to approach this mission until he seen a kid walking up the hall towards him...well, two kids to be honest... one of which was his son...and the other his son had faught during the sports festival..

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