🎁 Christmas Special🎄

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< 3rd POV >

Y/n and Aizawa were invited to All Might's Christmas party a few days ago, and now that they arrived, they could see how everyone was drinking almost all the Alcohol and the punch.

  Y/n stood in the back as Aizawa was just now pulled away with Present Mic to meet someone or something.

  Y/n stood in her favorite formal dress as she held a red cup (like you see in movies: iykyk 😏) she propped herself up on the wall as she took a sip of her punch before she closed her eyes wondering how Snowball was doing since she was meowing all morning, acting sick which makes her worry, especially if it's an animal in need...

< Y/n's POV >

It's been an hour since we've been at this party and I keep seeing the same woman walk around looking like she was lost.

  She had wavy turquoise hair, wore a beautiful dress, but it had a joyful joker theme to it, having a striped bandana around her head to top it off.

  When I walked up to her to confront her to see if I could help her, she almost backed up into me, "um..excuse me, miss...?"

  I asked tapping the woman's shoulder lightly catching her attention, she whipped around like a tiger making me jump a bit, "Oh, yes?"

  She asked turning her body towards me fully, "Um.. I seen you pacing around here and I was wondering if I could help you find what or who you were looking for.."

  I suggested only for her to give me a reassuring smile and a thumbs up before turning her back to me, "I'm just looking for an old friend of mine, I haven't seen him in a while, but I got it, thank you though.!" She reassured me before leaving me in the crowd of people.

"oh..ok then.." I mumbled before walking back to my wall, placing my back to it, taking another sip of my punch.

'Man...this place is huge, but there are so many people it's cramped...'

  I whined in my mind before I closed my eyes sighing nervously...


  I felt like there was someone in front of me, so naturally I let my eyes flicker open, feeling confused.

  When I did there was a man, around his early 20's he had deep brown eyes, clean face, sharp jaw line it could probably cut paper, and he had his hair slicked back with probably a whole bottle of hair gel if I'm not mistaken.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing around here?" He asked obviously flirting making me want to get sick, "Oh, I'm here with...a friend..."

  I mumbled the last part at my social anxiety started to kick in, plus it pained me to say or admit, but...me and Aizawa never actually made us dating or being together in any way official yet.

  Besides us both being that intimate was only because of a quirk...so I guess that doesn't count- "You gonna answer me, or leave me on a cliff hanger?"

  I felt my heart sink trying to think of how I was going to get rid of this dude, "Ah, sorry one sec, my phone is buzzing.."

  I stated as I slipped underneath his arm reaching in my bag for my phone having a good grip on it, only for a force to rashly snatch my wrist that was gripping my phone as I made eye contact with the man with a confused angry look on my face.

  "What are you doing? Let me go." I stated as I took my free hand and aimed it at the man, but he grabbed my other arm too, placing them both down in an uncomfortable position.

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