Rewind quirk?

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< 3rd POV >

Aizawa woke up with messier hair than usual as he rubbed his eyes awake, glancing around the room to make sure no one was sneaking in.

  He found to strength to pull himself up as he sat up slowly so blood didn't rush to his head too quickly, but he felt a little presence with him, not Y/n's presence...but a tinnier presence...


  Aizawa's head froze before hesitantly looking over at what was sitting at his room door.

  There was a tiny child in the floor trying to climb up to him.

  "Y/n." Aizawa called out to his housemate.


No response...?

"Y/n..!" He called out again, but this time he got up, scooping up the small child in his arms as he walked inside Y/n's room, but she wasn't there, so he walked into his living room to find a woman standing by the sofa.

'Did Y/n bring someone over..?'

Aizawa glanced around before calling her name once more.


"I'm sorry!"

  Aizawa's head shot over to a woman around Y/n's age bowing her head on the floor, "I accidentally used my quirk when this young women was helping me pick up my new box I got in the mail..!"

  The woman pleaded before raising her head to lock eyes with the dumbfounded teacher.

  She was a beautiful young lady, but Aizawa took no interest, "'am you know this is a baby correct..?"

^ Just woke up and is in a small state of denial ^

  "Yes, but before she was a woman that came from this house.." Aizawa glanced down at Y/n who was now tiny sized, trying to chew on his scarf, he stopped her by taking his scarf out her mouth.

  "What's your quirk exactly..?" Aizawa asked trying to keep Y/n from falling as she moved her head around, looking at every crescent of the house from which she could see.

  "Oh- my quirk is called rewind... I can basically rewind a persons age if I touch them along with inanimate objects, but it's sorta hard to explain in further detail now that I think about it.."

  "I can control their age whether it will be mental or physically changed, and for her it was both.."

  Aizawa repositioned Y/n to wear she was on his hip now, "May I ask how you got in here..? I mean.. in my house.." Aizawa asked suspiciously as she shot up, fixing her posture, "Yes! I knocked but no one answered, and she just so happened to open the door.." she paused before beginning to speak once again, "by opening I mean....I almost dropped her when she was playing with the door handle, I'm not very good with children as you can tell, but it was unlocked..she started crying after I didn't bring her in, so I'm very sorry for the intrusion!"

  She bowed her head again not daring to lift it, "It's fine, but did she introduce herself before turning into a baby..?" Aizawa asked trying to keep Y/n from pulling on his hair playfully, the woman then brought her head up once more before standing in a well mannered thinking position.

  Though her hand was lightly poking her cheek, and her other under her elbow as she thought for a second, "Y/n....I think it was?"

  Aizawa's eyes were brought down to the chubby cheeked baby in his arms as Y/n tried to climb around him, he then brought his attention back at the lady who had brought her here, "I'm supposed to leave for work today, and she's my assistant..." Aizawa stated as the other woman stood there feeling even more guilty.

  "I'm terribly sorry...I should have been more careful..." Aizawa got curious then asked, "How did you activate your quirk and turn her into a baby..?"

  The women was fiddling with her thumbs before answering, "Ah...well my husbands a construction worker, and he dropped a heavy piece of metal up a stairs for his new project he's been working on...and it spooked me. At the time I was giving your lady a hug for helping know.."

  Aizawa brought his hand up once again to the baby's arm to stop her from chewing on his scarf as he started to speak, "Alright, I understand.." the woman felt terrible for letting this happen, "..I'm terribly sorry again for turning her into a baby on your work day..."

  She pouted blaming herself for everything at the moment, "It's not your fault you got spooked, but I have to get to work in a few hours..." the women looked up to see Aizawa fiddling with the little human in his arms.

  He was currently trying to get her to stop pulling his hair, and the woman thought of something that would probably lighten up the mode as she started to talk.

"I understand, but she won't be a child for long, my quirk just lasts for about a week.." she stated as she walked over to the door to take her leave, "again, I'm very sorry sir.." the woman apologized once more, "You're fine, I'll just have to get ready and buy some supplies for her..."

  Aizawa flickered his attention back over to you as he removed his hair from your grasp, "Well, I hope you have a good day then.." the woman then left closing the door behind her, leaving Aizawa and baby Y/n in the middle of his living room.


"I hope so too.."

  Aizawa's response was late, but he never really took care of a kid before, well a kid younger than the age of 14 that is...


'Did that women just say that Y/n was my lady...?'

  Aizawa asked himself before feeling his body warm up in a little embarrassment for not catching it earlier.

"Zawa...azawa..." Y/n mumbled his name repeatedly, probably meaning that was the only thing she could muster her little mouth to say.

  Aizawa sighed as he walked over to the couch sitting down, placing her on his legs as he examined her, "We have to get you some clothes, huh..?"

  Aizawa asked as the only thing covering up Y/n's little body was her shirt that was now over sized looked like an oversized dress on your tiny figure.

(my clothes are always over sized...✋🏻💀)

Aizawa looked around Y/n's room for something small to wear, even glancing around in the closet, but to no avail she had nothing that could possibly fit the little toddler he was taking care of..

"Azawa.." Y/n was pulling at his black pants, trying to get his attention, so he just closed her closet door, turned on the leg she wasn't pulling on and scooped her up.

  He was headed over his bathroom where he kept some black hair ties just in case there was a formal meeting coming up.

  The sleep deprived teacher pulled one out of the drawer and sat Y/n on the sink, her back facing him as he took chunks of her shirt into the hair tie, making it not so baggy on her and scooped her up, went to get his shoes on with his wallet in his pocket.


"Where do I buy baby clothes..." Aizawa asked himself as he walked out the house with Y/n on his hip and his phone in the other telling him the directions to the closest store with baby clothes.




(Yes, I'm going to make a few chapters abt a baby Y/n, cause this is too precious for me to write in just one chapter🥺💕 also I hope you guys know there's just 6 more days till Christmas 😏 but like always guys, I love you and stay safe!😘)

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