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< 3rd POV >

  "-So, what do you think?" Y/n asked Aizawa as she stood impatiently for his response.

"Eh...I'm not sure, don't you know it's a little early..?" he asked nervously.

"What?! No.. well, it sort of is, but would it hurt to have a little faith?"

"Yes, yes it would.." he implied.

"Sour puss! I'm doing it whether you're joining me or not!" Y/n then turned on her heel, crossing her arms in a pouting position.

^Y/n is currently set on throwing some type of party(?) for Class 1-A ^


The h/c haired mother glanced around her shoulder glaring darts through the sleep deprived teacher before he sighed in defeat.

"Fine, I'll help you, but only with the hard tasks.."

"Yay!" Y/n cheered victoriously before she snatched her bag and began rummaging through it for her clip board and pen.

Soon she already had her plans covering the pieces of paper, for once neatly organized.


She handed her significant other the plans, allowing him to look them over.

She once again earned a sigh of defeat as Aizawa passed her plans back to their rightful owner.

"Just make sure the equipment isn't too expensive.." was all Aizawa could muster up to say.

"Aye-Aye captain!" When the female left the room, the male in the relationship once again, sighed, but this time in a small frustrated state.

^ He was indeed mentally crying about his (soon to be emptied) wallet <3 ^

"Alrighty, are you ready?" Y/n asked as she made her way back into the living room with a big smile.

Aizawa felt the glee smack him in the face before dragging himself off the sofa and over to the front door.

"I take that as a yes!~" She sang as she too slipped on her shoes before heading out with Aizawa.

"How should we tell them?"

"You mean you planned all this out, and you still have yet to figure out how to tell them..?" Aizawa asked as he held up their planner in disbelief. (Planner = Shopping list)

Y/n laughed nervously before speaking, "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I just thought you would like to at least help me tell them.."

She admitted in a feeble tone, fiddling with her fingers nervously.

Aizawa took notice on her actions before giving in.

  "Would you like for me to tell them, or they try and find out themselves.."

  He didn't glance nor turn his head towards the h/c haired female to take a notice that she liked the idea of a small guessing game in store.

  "That sounds like fun! I wonder what they'll say.."

  Y/n pondered happily on the kids reactions, though they could be totally different from what she's to expect.

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