It's just an open option..

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< Aizawa POV >

I woke up to find a full grown Y/n in her own clothes..

'oh yeah...'

'Yesterday was the last day she would be a baby..'

< 3rd POV >

  "When'd you get up..?" was the first thing Aizawa asked while sitting himself up in his bed.

  "A few minutes ago..." Y/n mumbled as she turned herself towards Aizawa still half asleep, letting her lids shut after getting a glance of Aizawa.

  "Did you wake up in your clothes..?" Aizawa asked only receiving a slightly tired laugh from Y/n, having her sigh after, "No....I did wake up half naked underneath a baby blanket though.."

  Y/n got up stretching, placing her hands above her head, stretching them along with her torso and her legs, standing on her tip toes for only a few seconds before walking back into her room plopping herself down on her bed.

  "Was I a pain..?" Y/n asked Aizawa as he got up about to walk into the kitchen, "Not as bad as the no..."

  Aizawa stated as he left for the kitchen leaving Y/n to answer with a muffled 'ok'.

< After a few minutes of waking up >

   Y/n and Aizawa sat at the counter eating beside each other in a comfortable silence before Snowball came in meowing, jumping up on the counter in front of us.

  "mreow.... mreow..." she sat down in between us meowing like crazy, "You're turn..." Y/n mumbled before taking another bite of her food earning a groan from Aizawa as he got up and walked over to where Snowball's food bowl was, refilling it.

  Snowball was already waiting by his side as she waited for him to place her food bowl down for her to dig in, "There.."

  Aizawa mumbled before heading back over to his plate that was already half way done, "Still tired..?" Y/n asked curiously already knowing the answer.

"Yes.." Aizawa replied placing his food in his mouth chewing it after placing his utensil down.

  "When are you never..?" Y/n scoffed playfully after swallowing her food, "Don't forget who's letting you stay here..."

  Aizawa retorted back at Y/n, as she was on the other side of the table, she made an offended face placing her hand on her chest, leaning back a bit acting offended, earning a soft chuckle from Aizawa.

  "Very funny..." he stated taking another bite of his food, "I know I am." Y/n stated proudly before she stood up and walked over to the sink to start washing the dishes since they were getting on her OCD a bit.

   Aizawa finished his plate, picking it up, and walking over behind Y/n, purposely brushing up on her from behind as he placed his dish in the sink.

  "Dang, I see how it is." Y/n commented as she took the dirty dish out of the bubbly water.

  "Alright, I love you.." Aizawa laughed to himself from the comment she made earning a smirk from Aizawa.

  Aizawa seemed to pick up on the little hint in her voice before he scoffed to himself, and closed his eyes until he finished speaking to show he was being sarcastic.

"Love you too..." he mumbled as he wrapped his arms around her small frame, resting his head on top of hers, looking at the few people walking by his house, going out for a run, or they were walking their pet.

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