Halfway there

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< 3rd POV >


This groaning of a boring mother caught the attention of her significant other.

    "We've been driving for hours..!~" Y/n's complaints were heard by her significant other.

It was a regular day today, but not excitingly regular, it was just too relaxing.

  It was boring as all they have been doing the whole day was driving.

"What's wrong..?"

The sleep deprived father was now glancing over at Y/n through the back view mirror with a small hint of worry in his voice.

  Although his attention was obviously turned back to the road that he drove on.

"Hm? Oh, it's nothing, I just don't know what to do today.. I mean we can go to the mall with this little sleepy head over here, considering that's all he does after he eats.."

"Granted, I'm not complaining.."

Y/n snickered at Aizawa's comment before petting her baby boys head softly while watching him look around from his seat.

  "I'm not complaining either, but when he gets older I hope he won't be too much of a recluse." The H/c mother snickered at her own comment earning a smile from the baby from the happiness radiating off the both of them.

  "Hmm.. I believe he'll be okay if we raise him right! Aren't I right Mizuki?~" Aizawa chuckled at his partners comment as she coed to their baby.

  "Oh- Y/n, we're about 30 minutes away now.."

  Y/n smiled knowingly as she started to recognize her hometown.

  "Yep, I would have guessed from the slightly worn out look it always gave, but it's still as relaxing as ever.."

  (It's like a town on the outskirts of a city type, just not as modern.)

(There are also more flowers and plant life here for the aesthetic.😌)

  "I wonder what my parents will think of us.." Y/n laughed nervously as Aizawa glanced back at her with a sweat drop on his cheek through the rear-view mirror.

  "Yeah, I wonder.." his response caught Y/n's attention.

  "Well we don't really have to worry too much since you're not a smoke or a drink addict!~"


Y/n's eyes widened as Aizawa was using one hand to steer the steering wheel, and the other to cover his mouth as he let little chuckles out.

His attempt to muffle them failed, but it was contagious. Y/n giggled before she switched her attention over to the window, and watched the all too familiar scenery pass by.

Nostalgia filled her mind as she remembered everything she had done, and all the things she went through.

Granted, most of them were bad, but Y/n always tried to think of the good times to cover the bad ones.

"I wonder.. how will my parents react.."

Aizawa seemed to take notice to his partners words that seemed to slip passed her lips unconsciously.

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