Small Filler<3

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< Y/n's POV >

  I smiled nervously as class ended for the day, and everyone was taking their leave.

I let my attention fall on our green haired student as he got out of his seat only to be greeted by our two toned boy as they spoke about whatever came to mind.

  They were about to pass me, but I poked Midoriya's shoulder as he flinched flickering his attention over to me.

  "Yes Miss. L/n, did you need something..?" He asked hesitantly catching Todoroki's attention.

  "Yes actually, I just need to ask you something really quick in private  to confirm something if that's alright with you." I mentioned only for him to soften his gaze before agreeing with my suggestion.

  "Do you mind waiting for me at the gates Todoroki?" The two tones teen just shook his head, "Not at all, I'll be waiting when you're done." Was all he said as he made his way out before clicking the door shut to the classroom as me and Midoriya were now the only ones in the room besides Shota sleeping peacefully in his sleeping bag.

  "I hope you don't think this as a personal question, but..uh how do I put this.." I pondered on how to ask him my question, but I ended up going with my first option.

  "Are you straight.?"

  He flinched from my question, but agreed.

  "Yeah, I'm pretty sure since I don't have any attraction towards anyone of the same sex as me, but I did have Kachan as my childhood friend, so I don't really take an interest in guys I guess you could say.."

  He had mumbled the last part, but I just gave him a small smile before patting him on the shoulder, sending him off, "Don't keep your friend waiting too long now."

  "I won't..!"

  I smiled nervously to myself, but at the same time I did have an awkward dinner with the Todoroki family when he and All Might had business to discuss, though I was dragged into it..

  It didn't seem like they had a good history, which probably led to Todoroki thinking he liked his friend for a short while, but maybe he just doesn't want that friendship to end..

^ Thinking you like your friend when you just don't want to let them go ==> you can think romantic thoughts about your friend and believe you are in love with them, but when you start to actually think about it, you just don't want that relationship to be tarnished in any way - coming from a girl who never jumped into relationships with people<3 ^

  I mean that's what happened to me one time.. but then again people are different.

  'Plus since Aizawa wasn't there with me I felt so scared!'

'Damn you, you hot sleep deprived cat lover..!'

  I mentally cursed Aizawa for not going as I walked back from the door, and over to him as he was sitting still up against the wall.

"Why'd you ask Midoriya that question?"

  I flinched as now I knew he heard everything.

  "Ah, well.. I'll tell you later.."

  "Why not now..?"

  "Eh.. I'm not sure.."

  "Okay then are you ready.?"

  "Mhm, lemme grab my stuff from the desk in the back and I'll be right over..!"

I cheered as I activated my quirk to go above the students desks. Snatching my bag from the table where I had left it, and retreating back to the from class door.

  "Reeaadyy..~" I coed as I walked beside Shota as we made our way towards the front gates of U.A.

  "No matter how long I stay here, I still can't believe I'm here with you right now.." I mumbled as we had the front doors of U.A. In our sight.

  "What do you mean..?" I smiled at his question before smirking and turning my head towards him as we walked, "Man, you are curious today aren't you?"

I teased as he just spared me an annoyed glance, then back to where we were going, "Never mind.."

  "Awwee~~ don't be like that Shota~" I teased as he just grunted at my actions, "You know you can be quite annoying.."

I felt my heart tick a bit, but I didn't take it seriously this time, "I know<3" I coed as we were finally off school grounds and headed home.

  "Do you know what you want for dinner Shota?" I asked curiously looking up recipes I've been wanting to try out.


^ Referring to the saying: You're so cute I could just eat you up ^

  "What was that? Sorry I couldn't hear you."

  "Why don't you make whatever you feel like eating.."

  "Okay then, Katsudon it is!" I cheered as I looked up the recipe on my phone.

< Aizawa's POV >

'Seems like I'm going to have two meals today..'

^ Kisses And Katsudon coming right up! <3 ^




  (I'm so sorry for not uploading as much as I usually do! But home school and having a bunch of cousins with birthdays almost everyday is kinda hard, but like always, I will try harder and stay safe, Love you all 😚💜)

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