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Note: This epilogue is after 80th chapter

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Note: This epilogue is after 80th chapter. So to avoid any confusions, read it once. I've unpublished the upcoming chapters from this book and those chapters will be shifted in the upcoming book without any changes.

I know it will be hard for everyone to comment again the way they did on this book on the chapters that will be published again. But please, I request you to vote on them and please give at least one comment for th chapter. I've worked really hard for those and divided the book only for the readers' convenience.

You will get one chapter daily in the book and then we'll move onto new updates.

If you have any confusions regarding book 1 or book 2, feel free to ask in the comments section or you can also pm me.

Author's POV

"Don't use red flowers. It's not someone's wedding. Use the white ones. And what is all this, this is the decoration you would do for Phalgun? Seriously?" Aahana scolded the servants who were busy decorating the palace.

"Aahana" a familiar voice interrupted her as she dismissed the servants.

"Aahana you are nine months pregnant, that too with twins. You should not stress yourself." He said leading her towards the room and making her sit on the couch.

"When will you learn?" He huffed sitting beside her.

"Arya I am fine. Arjun is coming after six long years. Everything has to be just perfect." Aahana tried to get up but was stopped by her husband.

"Aahana, we have loads of servants who are brilliant at their work. So let them work and you rest." She sighed at his words and rested her head on his shoulders.

"I get bored after resting the whole day." He chuckled at her words.

"Really? Its just a few more days love. Soon we'll have our little munchkins in our arms. Then you will have loads of work to do."

"Excuse me? You will also be the busy one. I'll not take care of them alone. You are their father, you will also take care of them." She stated angrily.

"Damn woman. Who said I won't take care of them. I would, for sure." he said kissing her head.

"Good then"

"Have you decided on the names?" He asked tightening his hold on her.

"I haven't. Have you?" She looked at him.

"Well, not really. But let's do one thing. You decide for the boy and I'll decide for the boy. What say?" He asked and she immediately looked at him frowning.

"What!? No! That's not done!" She almost yelled.

"Why? You decided Sagarika's name, Krishna decided Anant's name. Now it's my turn. Even I should get a chance to decide on my kid's name." He almost pouted making her sigh.

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