Chapter 29 - Forgotten memory

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Aahana's POV

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Aahana's POV

It's been a few hours since we are travelling. My mind is still bugging with the familiarity between Ashwatthama and that person's voice. Can it be him? But he's guru Drona's son, no matter how cruel he is, he won't molest a girl that too his friend's wife. Or can he? But he cannot disrespect a girl. But he also disrespected Draupadi in the court.

Ughh, my head will burst.

"What happened Aahana? You seeem tensed." No wonder who was it. After all he can literally read my expressionless face too.

"No I'm fine. Just a little tired. You know I hate waking up early in the morning." I said as I rested my head on his shoulder. I heard him chuckle.

"Well you are very cranky when you wake up. So no wonders."

"Are you mocking me?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Oh no no no, your majesty. I'll never dare to." I smiled at this.

He intervened our hands and his fingers played with mine. I sighed looking at our hands, they fit perfectly with each other like a lost piece of puzzle just found it's way back. I wonder what I did to deserve him.
I closed my eyes partially due to tiredness and partially, cherishing the moment.

"Jyesht, bhabhi, sorry for being the third wheel and for eavesdropping but a queen should be an early riser. And bhabhi you being cranky is not acceptable." My eyes shot open at Arjun's words.

"What do you mean? Like a queen isn't human after all?" I said smacking him on the head.

"Oww bhabhi. Don't forget I'm the charioteer. If I want, I can kidnap both of you right now." He said again earning a smack.

"Where will you take us? Do you have the guts to kidnap your elder brother and his wife. I highly doubt your strength in that case."

"I don't know about jyesht Yudhishthir but bhrata Bheem will feed me to eagles for hurting his favorite bhabhi." Arjun said laughing.

"Favorite? Arjun you only have one bhabhi. His preference may change once jyesht gets married."

"Ya, but not all his bhabhi will make him his favorite laddoos." Arya said teasing me. I shook my head at them.

"Whatever it is. Tell me about your days in gurukul." I asked both of them.

"Look bhabhi, if you are thinking that your husband did something mischievous, then you are highly mistaken. He was the most boring student." Arjun said and I looked at my husband, completely shocked. While his cheeks turned a little pink shade.

"Don't tell me." I said still shocked.
He just shrugged his shoulder while Arjun laughed.

"I was there to learn Aahana and not have fun." He said seriously.

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