Chapter 42 - Birth of Power

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Note: this story is completely fictional and does not hold any relevance

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Note: this story is completely fictional and does not hold any relevance. In no manner I intend to harm or question you religious beliefs. The characters are also completely fictitious.

Author's POV


Mahakali was slaying everyone that came in front of her. She was beyond angry. The devas stood at a distance, afraid of the wrath of Mahakali.

"Mahadev, how will Mahakali stop today? If she doesn't stop now, the world will end." Narayan voiced his fear as he looked at the fury of Mahakali.

"Don't worry, there will be a way Narayan." Mahadev said calmly.

Suddenly, maa kali was attacked by a demon which made a cut on her hand and her hand started bleeding. In rage, she killed the demon and he was lying dead on the ground in the next moment. A few drops of her blood fell on the ground.

"Parvati!" Mahadev cried as he saw his beloved bleeding. Forgetting everything, he ran towards her, his love.

He ran, he was crying. His tears fell on the ground just exactly where the drops of mahakali's blood was present.

The drop of their blood and tears mixed together to form a ball of ultimate energy. The light was so bright that it blinded everyone around. And soon, a baby was born from the ball of energy, the ball which had emotions and powers of mahadev and parvati.

A beautiful baby with skin like her mother, eyes like lotus, calmness like her father was born from the union of emotions of shiv and shakti. Mahadev smiled at the baby and picked her up in his divine arms.

He looked towards his shakti who was still busy killing everyone.

"Parvati, look who we have here." He said calmly but she didn't listen.

"Gauri, see, you always wanted a daughter right? Look, your years of wait is over. Your daughter is craving for you gauri." As soon as mahakali heard 'your daughter', she froze on her place.

Was it true? Was her wait really over? The few demons left, took it as a queue as they ran away. Mahakali turned around to look at mahadev holding a baby in his arms. All her rage vanished as it was replaced by love. All her emotions came flooding in her eyes. The mother inside her that craved for long was now content.

"Mahadev, is she really..?" Mata parvati couldn't complete as she saw the baby flapping her tiny arms in air. Mahadev just nodded smiling at his shakti.

The khadag in maa kali's hands vanished as she turned into gauri again. Her happiness knew no bounds as she ran towards her husband to gather her daughter in her arms. Her tears didn't stop, after all her wait was over. The devas rejoiced as mata parvati was now back to her calm self.
She gathered her little bundle of joy in her arms and felt extreme level of ecstasy looking at her face.

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