Chapter 52 - Back Home

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First of all, thank you guys

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First of all, thank you guys. Our story crossed 30k views and 3.5k votes!

I can't thank you enough for the love and support. Keep reading guys and once again, thank you so much.
Lots of love!

Author's POV

The couple entered the hall to see everyone present there. First both of them took Vidur's blessings and then Aahana joined Draupadi who stood nervously at one corner. She went towards her and Draupadi felt better.

"Vidur, now everyone is here. Now tell us what's the matter?" Mata Kunti asked.

"First of all I would like to apologize for coming at such an odd time. I started from Hastinapur two days back and without any break reached here as I heard about you all." Vidur said as everyone nodded.

"Pitamah wants all of you in Hastinapur as soon as possible." Vidur said as Aahana felt Draupadi tensing beside her. She held her hand and squeezed it in an assuring manner.

"Any serious issue kakashree?" Karna asked.

"As soon as Duryodhan got to know that you all are alive, he blackmailed jyesht to make him the yuvraj and he.."

"And he what Vidur?" Mata Kunti asked.

"He made him the yuvraj. Now Duryodhan is the yuvraj of Hastinapur and not Yudhishthir."Everybody's eyes widened at the news.

"But kakashree, the throne belongs to jyesht bhrata. How can they do that?" Arjun exclaimed.

"Exactly! Yudhishthir is alive so how can they make Duryodhan the yuvraj?" Karna said agitated.

"Bhrata, it's maharaj's decision. If this is what he has decided, then we will have to accept it." Yudhishthir said.

"Yudhishthir, we should leave it to maharaj. Right now, Pitamah wants you in Hastinapur as soon as possible." Vidur said.

"If that's the case, we will leave for Hastinapur tomorrow morning at sunrise." Yudhishthir said and everyone nodded. Everyone left for their respective rooms.

Yudhishthir and Aahana entered their room. Though they had a very hectic day today, sleep went far away from them.
Yudhishthir sat on the couch in deep thoughts as Aahana filled a glass of water.

"What happened arya?" She asked as she gave him the glass of water.

"I don't know what will happen after we reach Hastinapur." He said as he gulped down the whole glass of water in one go. Aahana sat beside him.

"Whatever it will be, we will have to face it. I'm sure pitamah and kakashree will be with us." Aahana said.

"I don't know Aahana. This time I'm not sure about it. Pitamah will never accept Draupadi marrying five men." He said as he massaged his head in exertion.

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