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- son of Ambika and Maharaj Vichitravirya- a blind king

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- son of Ambika and Maharaj Vichitravirya
- a blind king

- wife of Maharaj Dhritrashtra- a great devotee of Mahadev and mother to a 100 kauravas

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- wife of Maharaj Dhritrashtra
- a great devotee of Mahadev and mother to a 100 kauravas

- eldest son of Maharaj Dhritrashtra and Maharani Gandhari- said to be incarnation of kali demon

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- eldest son of Maharaj Dhritrashtra and Maharani Gandhari
- said to be incarnation of kali demon

- son of Maharaj Dhritrashtra and Maharani Gandhari- an evil prince who blindly follows his elder brother Duryodhan

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- son of Maharaj Dhritrashtra and Maharani Gandhari
- an evil prince who blindly follows his elder brother Duryodhan

- son of Maharaj Dhritrashtra and Maharani Gandhari- an evil prince who blindly follows his elder brother Duryodhan

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