Chapter 60 - Afraid

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Note: I made some changes in the second paragraph of the last chapter where Draupadi's take on co - wives is mentioned

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Note: I made some changes in the second paragraph of the last chapter where Draupadi's take on co - wives is mentioned. Please read that part again to clear your doubts.

Author's POV

Aahana walked along with Devika towards Draupadi's chamber. Aahana found Devika very innocent and sweet. Her politeness and her little smile is her beauty.

Maybe that is what attracted Arya! She thought but immediately shook her head as if removing the doubt.

"This palace is really beautiful Maharani." Devika said breaking Aahana's chain of thoughts.

"Thank you Devika and please call me Aahana. No need of formalities when we are alone." Aahana said politely.

They both entered Draupadi's room to see her ready to come out.

"Panchi, where were you going?" Aahana asked.

"Jiji, I was bored here sitting alone. So I thought to come to you." Draupadi said making Aahana smile.

"Well, I would like you to meet someone. This is Rajkumari Devika, the princess of Sivi kingdom and Devika, this is the princess of Panchal and wife of the five pandavas, Draupadi." Aahana introduced the two ladies who greeted each other.

"It's so nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you." Devika told Draupadi who smiled in return.

"That's so sweet of you Rajkumari. Come, have a seat." Draupadi offered.

"You both continue, I have somethings to complete. And Draupadi, please show Devika her room. I'll be busy with everything else." Aahana told Draupadi.

"Don't worry jiji, I'll do it." Draupadi said as Aahana left the two ladies alone. She occupied herself with work. She ordered the staff about the food, the room and other arrangements. It took her an hour or so to arrange everything.

"Dharma! Dharma!" Aahana heard Mauravi shouting who came running towards her.

"Oh dear, slow down Mauravi. What's so urgent?" Aahana said holding Mauravi by her shoulders as she gasped for air.

"Maharani, I heard something." Mauravi said gasping for air.

"What?" Aahana asked.

"Maharaj Sivi has offered his daughter, Devika's hand in marriage to maharaj Yudhishthir." Mauravi told her and Aahana lost all her calm. She stood numb, not a word escaped her mouth. She just looked at Mauravi trying to find any trace of humor but she found none.

"What..what did he answer?" Aahana asked cautiously, afraid of the answer.

"I didn't hear that. As soon as I heard this, I came running to you." Aahana immediately left Mauravi and moves towards her husband. Only he could answer her.

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