Chapter 67 - One Soul

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Author's POV

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Author's POV


"Yes, Angraj Ripudaman. He's a very brave and powerful warrior and a great King. But unfortunately he is interrupting our rajsuya yagya by inflaming the kingdoms against us." Yudhishthir said keeping a hand on his head.

"Don't worry. We'll talk to bhaiya about it." Aahana said keeping a hand on his shoulder.

"But Vasudev is in Dwaraka Aahana. Rukmini is soon going to deliver their child. We can't trouble them now." He said.

"Don't worry, have faith in Mahadev. We'll find a solution soon." She said.

"Yes we will but for now, you go to sleep. I have a lot of work to do and I'll be late. You don't have to wait for me." He said.

"How can I sleep when you are so stressed?" She said brushing his curly locks.

"Aahana, I am fine. Look at yourself. You look so tired and your face has lost it's color. You are overworking yourself these days." He said caressing her cheeks.

"Maybe, I don't know. I feel tired though." She laid her head on his shoulder.

"Then rest love."

"I will." She said as she closed her eyes while he continued his work.

After almost two hours, he completed his work and noticed Aahana fast asleep on his shoulder. He gently picked her up and placed her on the bed. Joining her, he also fell into a deep slumber.


A few days passed after their discussion about Angraj Ripudaman. Aahana was still disturbed by all these changes. It was like their problems didn't seem to end at all. Also the juggling between the timelines was also proving to be a great trouble now. Not that she hated ber life or something. But knowing everything in advance was stressful. And not being able to do anything about it was eating her alive.

"Pranipat Maharaj,pranipat Maharani." They heard a guard come inside the study.

"There is a letter for you my king from Dwaraka." He said and gave a letter to Yudhishthir. Yudhishthir read it and smiled looking at the letter.

"Aahana, congratulations. You are now a bua to two lovely kids. Rukmini gave birth to a son four days back and they named him Pradyumna. We should soon go to Dwaraka to meet them." Yudhishthir said. Happiness evident in his voice while Aahana still wore a worried expression.

"That's great. I'm happy for Bhaiya and bhabhi." She said with a tight lipped smile.

"Aahana, what's the matter? You seem really tensed. Also you look tired and lost. What's the matter?" He asked her, taking a seat beside her. Aahana thought for a moment. Maybe sharing a few things with him will make her feel better.

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