Chapter 16 - Unsettling peace

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Aahana's POV

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Aahana's POV

I was walking down the corridors towards Kaya's room. I didn't want to judge or something but honestly, I didn't like the tone she used with my husband. I tried to brush the thoughts thinking that I was being paranoid but the possessive wife inside me didn't let me.
I was going to her room to check upon her. Whatever it is, she is our guest and we need to respect her. I asked the dasi in front of her room to inform her about my arrival and my wish to meet her.

Soon the dasi came out telling me that I'm allowed to go in.
As I entered, I saw her standing in the middle of the room. Probably waiting for me.

"Kaya, I came to check upon you. I hope you are comfortable here." I asked her politely.

"Of course yuvrani, after all Yudhishthir wished me for my comfortable stay here." She said that made me a bit uncomfortable but I quickly covered it with a smile.

"Kaya, you are a guest here and I don't want to sound rude. I don't know about your place but here, in Hastinapur, yuvraj is the next king. So he is considered as god's incarnation and we don't take his name. I would appreciate if you would respect this tradition till you are here." I said in a very sweet voice. No one in the world has the right to disrespect my husband.

I saw her smile faltering a but she quickly covered it.
"Sure, yuvrani. I'll keep in mind."

"Maharani Gandhari asked me to show you around. If you want, we can go now or later." I told her.

"I am free now. Let's go. I actually wanted to see the palace."
I smiled and lead her out of the room.

On our way, someone bumped into me.
"Bheem!! Why are you running?" As I saw him looking behind him as if running from someone. He had a plate of laddoos in his hand.

"Bhabhishree, I was hungry so I took these laddoos." bheem said still looking behind.

"Ya fair enough but why are you running then and from whom?" I asked confused.

"Bhabhishree, I'm running from my three brothers- Nakul, Sahdev and Arjun because it is their share of laddoos.  Please save me bhabhi." He said hiding behind me as I saw the other three approaching.

"Bheem, its wrong to take someone else's share of food. You can share with them na, they won't refuse.You hidhing behind me makes no sense. And how will I save you." I asked.

"Bhrata bheem stop right there." Nakul yelled.

Bheem kept the plate aside and held me by  both my shoulders using me as a shield.

"Bheem!! Have you gone nuts." I screemed in terror.

"Bhabhishree, you move aside. Today you can't save bhrata bheem." Arjun said trying to grab Bheem but failed as I was in between them.

"Ugghh Arjun, are you blind? He is the one holding me." I said irritated.

"Bhrata bheem, using our sweet and small bhabhishree as your shield is not nice for a person who is famous in the whole Aryavart for his immense power." Sahadev said trying to rile him up.

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