Chapter 39 - The Lose

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

Aahana couldn't believe her ears. She was so engrossed in herself that she didn't see this coming. How can she be so irresponsible?

Yudhishthir, however, was confused on what was going on. They both looked at each other and moved towards everyone.

"What's happening here?" Everyone's attention diverted towards Yudhishthir and Aahana.




Everyone called together.

"What's happening here?" Yudhishthir asked as Arjun came forward and narrated the whole scenario. Listening to him, both of them were shocked. Yudhishthir was calm and silent while Aahana's blood was boiling.

"Are you insane Arjun?" She yelled shocking everyone. She never raised her voice that too on her family. Draupadi was still unaware of the people standing in front of her.

"Who the hell in the world addresses a human, a human as 'what'. Is she an object that her father sold and you purchased?" She yelled. Her eyes turned red, her lips were trembling and worst of all, her hands were turning a shade darker. Her whole body shivered in anger. Everyone was bewildered seeing her state.

"Have you lost basic senses or have you forgotten the basic language of communication?" She yelled again making Arjun stumble back in fear. This side of Aahana was something they never expected.

"Bhabhi-" bheem tried telling but she looked at him in the eye.

"Maun raho!" Just a look from her and he backed off.

Yudhishthir didn't understand this side of hers. He kept a hand on her shoulder and she closed her eyes. She came out of her trance and she calmed down. Her body came back to normal.

"And maa you?" Her voice now much softer.

"Why didn't you turn around just for once?" Kunti could just lower her head. She knew that she was also responsible for what happened.

Draupadi moved towards the river and sat on a rock. She didn't want to hear their conversation. It was all too much already.

"Putri, we can't change what has happened. Now please tell us, what should we do?" Kunti asked her daughter in law knowing very well that Aahana must be having some solution for their problem.

"The only solution is that you five should marry Draupadi." This statement shocked everyone.

"How can we do that bhabhi? She is not an object that we can distribute." Arjun said a little angry.

"Oh really? Happy realization rajkumar Arjun." Aahana said sarcastically which shut him up. He knew that he was at fault.

"Listen, the option where one of you marries her and others should go on exile is completely absurd. You will never have a successful and a happy married life knowing that because of you your brothers are suffering. And above all, you all have to be together. You cannot achieve anything if even one of you is missing." Aahana's words made sense.

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