Chapter 77 - Entertainment

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

Next day, the four men were sentenced to death for killing an innocent woman and the woman was sentenced to lifetime imprisonment along with a fine of 20 gold mudras.
Samrat also ordered to capture Chandrika's husband.

The whole family accepted Sagarika wholeheartedly. The motive behind the eldest pandava's decision made the whole family proud. A message was sent to Hastinapur informing about the same. Many people wanted to go against this decision of his but they didn't stand a chance in front of the samrat of Aryavart. Hence, they kept mum.

Aahana was smiling to herself since yesterday. She was extremely happy with what her husband did. The way he tackled the situation was beyond anyone's thinking. She smiled as she entered the living room only to meet an amusing sight.

Sagarika was crying and karna, bheem, Arjun and the twins were running around, trying ro calm her down.

"Nakul! Don't give her a flower. See, she's sneezing and crying more. Idiot!" Sahadev yelled.

"Arjun, she's a 10 month old baby! She will hurt herself with the arrow. Take it away right now." Karna yelled.

"Bhrata bheem she is very small to eat the whole laddoo. She won't stop crying with it." Arjun screamed.

In all this chaos, Padmanabh, who sat on the bed supported by pillows laughed and Sagarika cried even more. Aahana shook her head at the stupidity of the five men.

"Idiots!" She muttered and moved towards a crying Sagarika and gently picked her up.

"What happened baby? Why are you crying? Calm down now. Mumma is here." She cooed her and craddled her in her arms.

Everyone became quiet looking at the duo. Aahana hummed a lullaby for Sagarika who fell asleep in her arms. Padmanabh clapped his little palms and everyone looked at him.

Aahana sat on the bed with sagarika in her arms until she fell into a deep slumber. After which, she carefully tucked her in bed. She kissed Padmanabh on the cheeks and faced the boys.

 She kissed Padmanabh on the cheeks and faced the boys

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