Chapter 17 - Something is not right

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Aahana's POV

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Aahana's POV

It's been a two weeks since we got married and thirteen days since Kaya came here. Something that I noticed about her is that she always tries to gain Arya's attention. She is most of the time around him like a moth is around fire.  Because of her, I and Arya find it hard to spend time together as half of the time he is busy with work and in his free time, Kaya keeps bugging him. I can see irritation clear on his face these days.
I was sitting alone in my chambers, lost in my own thoughts.
"Putri!" I heard maa's voice as  I turned my attention towards the door. There she was with a smile on her face.

I went towards her and touched her feet to gain her blessings.

"Akhand saubhagyawati bhava!" She blessed me by keeping a hand on my head.

"Maa, if you wanted something, you could've sent a message. Why did you trouble yourself?"

"Why? Can't a mother come to spend sometime with her daughter." Maa asked making me smile.

"Of course maa. You are always welcome." I said as we both made ourselves comfortable on the couch.

"So, how is your married life going on?" Maa asked me making me blush.

"It's good maa."

"I hope my son is not troubling you."

"Not your eldest son but your other four sons are just like a bunch of kids. Always fighting and arguing." I stated as both of us laughed.

"I know. Arjun told me the laddoo fiasco that happened a few days back and how you got stuck in between." We shared a nice laugh remembering that incident.

"Putri, I wanted to discuss a few things with you." Maa said suddenly turning serious.

"Yes maa. You can discuss anything with me."

"Putri, don't you think Duryodhan is being very sweet to Yudhishthir these days?" Maa said voicing out mine and my brother in laws' fear.

"Maa, this is exactly what we are worried about. And the worst part is that arya thinks that Duryodhan is a changed person now. I'm actually worried for him."

"Putri, why don't you talk to him your way. I'm sure he'll understand." Maa said expectantly.

"I'll try maa."

"Also putri, I know that you don't like Kaya." This statement of maa made me look at her with my eyes wide.

"Don't look at me shocked bacha. Everyone has noticed how she is always around Yudhishthir like a leech. And as a wife, I know it bothers you." I looked down as I couldn't hold her gaze any longer.

She kept a hand on my head that made me look at her.

"Putri, I know my son as a mother knows her child. But you know him as a friend and as a husband. Do you think he will cheat on you?"

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