Chapter 36 - Kamyaka Story

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A double update because we crossed 2K votes folks

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A double update because we crossed 2K votes folks. I am dancing like a mad hog. Thank you so much for the love and support. Its so Overwhelming. Love you all!!!

Aahana's POV

If oscars started five thousand years back, then I would've given it to Hidimbā. She is such a great actress. Not only an actress but the way she has changed herself into some enchantress is beyond my understading.

Her each and every movement screamed class, her voluptuous curves enhancing her beauty, her clothes so bright, her beauty so mesmerizing that even the apsaras of indra lok will be ashamed and would run away if they see her.

Her each and every movement screamed class, her voluptuous curves enhancing her beauty, her clothes so bright, her beauty so mesmerizing that even the apsaras of indra lok will be ashamed and would run away if they see her

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"Bhabhishree, did you notice something?" Arjun asked.


"That it's been five hours and bhrata Bheem didn't scream or cribbed like a baby for food." Arjun said as Nakul and Sahadev laughed.

"Arjun!" Came maa's voice.

"No maa, seriously, looks like Bheem is whipped. I think rather than handing over this girl to her family, Bheem is most likely to take her with us." Jyesht said and this time,even maa laughed.

We were following Bheem and Hidimbā. I saw love and affection in their eyes for each other. It was surreal. No lust, no need of physical contact, just pure love for each other.

I don't want to see his reaction when he discovers the truth.


This is worse than I imagined. Bheem looks completely broken after knowing the truth. His face expressions give the pain and betrayal he is feeling right now. Hidimbā is no less. I know she loves him and she didn't want to betray him but was bound by orders of her brother.

"You traitor! Why are you helping us now? Is this again one of your dramas?" Bheem's angry voice boomed in the whole cave.

Hidimbā turned towards maa.

"Mata, trust me. What I am saying is true. I will help you out otherwise my brother will kill all of you." She literally begged.

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