Chapter 53 - Prison

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

Everyone stood shocked, they all tried to find a trace of amusement or any kind of joke but found none. With each passing second, their hearts were leaping into their mouths.

"What are you all talking about? You all married a single woman?" Dhritrashtra asked.

"Yes jyesht pitashree, five of us married Draupadi." Karna said.

"Adharm!" Pitamah roared loudly making everyone gasp.

"Pitamah please listen to us. The situation was such-"

"Maun ho jao Yudhishthir isse pehle ki mere shastra tum panduputron ka astitva khatam kar dein." Pitamah roared and everyone stood shocked at his words and voice that held only hatred.
(Shut your mouth Yudhishthir before my weapons cease the existence of pandu's sons.)

"Pitamah, it was my fault. I asked them to divide whatever they got. It was my fault, not their." Mata Kunti said coming forward.

"Don't Kunti." Saying this pitamah went away.

"Panduputron, you all have committed a grave sin and for which you shall be punished." Saying this, Maharaj Dhritrashtra went away followed by everyone else. Mata Kunti went to talk to maharani Gandhari. Vidur went after Pitamah leaving eight of them alone.

Aahana moved towards Draupadi and held her hand.
"What to do now jyesht?" Arjun asked Karna.

"I have no idea Arjun. This is more messed up than expected." Karna said.

"Let's go to my room and try to solve this issue." Yudhishthir said and everyone followed him.

Aahana looked at the familiar corridor. Many good and bad memories were associated with this palace. Nothing really changed here. As soon as they entered the room, they were met by a weird smell.

"Das, what is this smell?" Nakul asked the worker standing there.

"I'm sorry Princes but kumar Duryodhan uses this room for his get togethers with friends and." He hesitated.

"Don't hesitate, be specific." Bheem said.

"Pleasures like drinks and women." He said the last part in a very low tone. Aahana stood shocked. It was her room, they lived here. She looked at her husband who was already looking at her.

"This is height of shamelessness. Why didn't you clean the room then?" Arjun asked.

"Because they asked us to allot a different room to rajkumar Yudhishthir and his wife." He said.

"It's alright. Tell us which room is that, we'll go." Aahana said politely as the poor man looked scared to death.

"Ji rajkumari." the man bowed and showed them the room adjacent to Karna's old room. Aahana made Draupadi sit on the couch and gave her a glass of water. All the brothers thought about the situation.

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