Chapter 63 - First Love

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Arjun's POV

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Arjun's POV

I and Bhratashree bheem were on our way back to Indraprasth. Our quest was successful but not completely. It was decided after some kingdoms, we'll head back to Indraprasth and then again start out quest. All this was happening as specified by Madhav.

"Arjun, I'm so happy that we are returning to Indraprasth after so long." I heard bhrata.

"Yes bhrata. I'm really home sick. Earlier, when we lived in Hastinapur, I never felt like going back but now it does." I admitted.

"Very true. I'm so happy that we are finally away from that chaos. I just miss mata, pitamah and kakashree." Bhrata Bheem said.

"You are right bhrata. I miss them so much. I can't wait for the rajsuya yagya so that maa can come to Indraprasth and live like a queen, like she deserves." I said.

We both fell quite after that. No matter what, we can't forget maa's sacrifices and Pitamah's and kakashree's trust. They have done so much for us that no matter what heights we reach, the credit of our success will always be their. Suddenly, all of us came to a halt. We saw Madhav in his chariot blocking our way.

"Madhav?" I and bhrata Bheem looked at each other and moved towards him

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"Madhav?" I and bhrata Bheem looked at each other and moved towards him.

"Pranipat bhrata Bheem, pranipat parth." He greeted us with his ever charming smile.

"Pranam Vasudev. What brings you here?" Bhrata Bheem asked.

"Oh, bhrata Bheem I promised parth something. So for that we have to go somewhere. You continue with your journey,parth can join you in Indraprasth a little later. Right parth?" He asked, mischievousness was clear on his face.

When did I promise?

"Oh is it. Fine then. I'll continue. Arjun, you come to Indraprasth as soon as possible." Bhrata Bheem said as I quietly nodded. Whatever was happening was hell confusing and I know, madhav had his reasons. So before I spoil anything by speaking, I decided to stay mum.

Soon, bhrata Bheem left with the soldiers leaving me and Madhav alone.

"Madhav, why did you lie to jyesht? We have to reach Indraprasth. I don't remember you giving me some any such instruction. What's the matter?"

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