Chapter 49 - Scared Siblings

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

All the cousins sat outside in the garden the next day. Everyone now behaved normally with her that comforted her.

"Now as everyone is here, I want everyone's attention." Dau said gaining everyone's attention.

"Kanha, take over." Dau said dramatically.

"Okay, as everyone is here, sakhi and bhrata Karna are visiting Dwaraka for the first time, we all are going to see Dwaraka." Shri Krishna said.

"Are you guys again planning something?" Aahana asked crossing her hands over her chest.

"Aahana, we are not always planning and plotting." Dau said trying to sound offended.

"Ya ya and Subhadra jiji is bad." Aahana said.

"What?" Arjun asked confused.

"I thought we are competing who can lie more." Aahana said glaring at dau.

"Looks like bhabhi has not forgotten the kheer fiasco yet." Nakul said as everyone laughed.

"My priya Nakul, I have not forgotten the laddoo fiasco also that happened literally the next day of my wedding." Aahana said sugar coating her words as everyone laughed again.

"What laddoo fiasco now? Don't tell me Bheem ate all the laddoos and Aahana didn't get any." karna said.

"No jyesht, it's a fiasco where they nearly got me killed." aahana huffed.

"What? What did they do?" Subhadra asked shocked.

"Jyesht, did you see? That day we helped her so much and now she's blaming all of us." Arjun fake cried on Bheem's shoulder.

"And our lovely sister calls us drama queens dau. Look at your own brother in law." Shri Krishna said looking at Arjun.

"Bhaiya, not a word about my dear brother in law." Aahana said in a stern voice, trying to hide her smile.

"See, my bhabhi is the best." Arjun said coming towards Aahana.

"Now can we go please? I really want to see Dwaraka." Draupadi said.

"Yes, let's go. Bhabhishree Revati is not coming and Rukmini decided to stay with her. So it's just eleven of us. Let's go." Shri Krishna said as they all started for the beauty of Dwaraka.

Drapuadi walked with Subhadra with Nakul and Sahadev on their either sides while Karna and Arjun walked a few steps forward.
A few steps back walked Yudhishthir and Bheem followed by the three siblings.

"Bhaiya, Draupadi is so sweet. She doesn't feel like a princess." Aahana said honestly just loud enough for his brothers to hear.

"Remember Aahana, don't judge everyone easily." Shri Krishna said making dau and Aahana frown.

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