Chapter 52

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After having dinner at their place and spending most of the night there. First Kai'sa went to bed, followed by Eve. It was a final struggle between Ahri and Akali to see who would last the longest, but they both ended up falling asleep around me. Having to wake them up, I helped them both to their beds and made my way to my own.

First time in a long time that I will be sleeping alone.

Before I left, I noticed Kai'Sa is now sitting on the couch, "Couldn't sleep?" I ask, dropping down next to her, resting my hand on her knee.

She nods, as she sips from a cup of coffee, "Sort of."

I then joke, "With the three of them it must be hard to get in anything edge-wise."

Smiling at me, she shifts on the couch, resting her head on my shoulder, "I was hoping that they went to bed sooner. It feels a bit weird for me like I am sharing you with them yet... nevermind."

I throw my arm around her shoulder, holding her closer to me, "If you ever want to spend some time alone let me know. I would feel bad knowing that it doesn't feel genuine for you."

"It's not that it's not genuine... I know what I feel for you," she reassures me, "But some time alone will never hurt."

"Hmm, then how about spending the night at my place?" I clear my throat as she raises her brow at me, "I don't plan on tricking you into doing something devious," I chuckle, "Just want to spoil you a bit."

"I would like that," she raises herself, pressing her soft lips against my cheek.

Lifting myself, I grab her hand. Tugging at the edges of her fingers, I lead her to my apartment. Still following me close to my side, I put on the kettle and brew myself some coffee. Just so that I don't find myself passing out any time soon.

Settling on the couch, she drops herself between my legs resting her back on my chest, "Sorry."

"What for?" she asks.

"I sometimes forget that between the three of them you are quite... reserved."

Shaking her head, "Mm-hmm,  Eve is sometimes a bit to forward. At least Ahri and Akali try to keep the pillow talk to a minimum."

She must find it hard to be apart of the conversation as we are yet to have sex. 

"These things will take time, Kai'Sa. God, I remember when Eve first told me about this plan of hers... I wasn't on board with it at all. Until she slowly started to convince me at the expense of your ever-degrading friendship," I laugh to myself, "Even now I am still confused how this all ended up this well."

"It must have been difficult, to have four women be after you."

I shake my head,  first taking a sip of my coffee, "No. It wasn't difficult to love you all or to be loved by you all. I had your feelings on my mind most of the time... feeling like I was expecting too much for all of you to share one man."

She nods, as I continue, "If it weren't for the fact that you four were this close and loved each other dearly, this would never have been possible. So it more like we all love each other."

She giggles, "That is a bit of a stretch, but I agree."

"So. Feel free to take all the time you need to get comfortable," I rest my hand over her chest, gripping her shoulder, she in return rests her hand over mine.

"Thank you, (Y/N). You really are sweet," she rests her head backwards, she then falls over words, "I-I Is it okay..." she clears her throat, "if I stay the night with you?"

I then joke to ease the tension, "Of course. Get a chance to make them a bit jealous of you."

"I find it hard to believe that anyone would be jealous-"

I interrupt her, "Oh, you'd be surprised. They are all very very perceptive, to the point where they can't hide their own jealousy. This doesn't count for Eve, it is impossible to read that woman."

"Must make it quite the experience to deal with her," she giggles.

"It surely is never boring. That goes for all four of you, my days were usually spent working and sleeping... it is a refreshing change of pace."

"Now you aren't working at all," she remarks.

"Okay there was no need to point that out," I roll my eyes, "Here I am trying to be cute and you just point out that I got lazy."

Lifting her shoulders, "Was just saying."

"I will be active with work soon enough. Right now I am working for myself... and well... I worked hard because I wanted to prove that I had what it takes. Now that I proved myself, it is almost like I did what I wanted to do."

"Then there were us, putting your heart on the line to make it work."

"I don't plan on neglecting any of you though. That and this is very very different, I just need to get my head on straight and focus on my work. Once I do that it will be like Absolute Zero never disappeared."

"Do you miss your group?"

Finishing my coffee, I shake my head, "I don't. The three of us were all clearly going into completely different directions. Going back now means that I will be wasting my potential and their time. It may be rude to say that-"

"You have an innate talent for this. To work with people that won't compliment your own talent will just hold you back," she stays silent then finally speaking, with a low tone, "Can I ask you something?"

"Go for it."

"It is to soon to ask, I know that but I would like to know your feelings. With all four of us... do you think it will last long, or even last at all?" she turns around, pressing her hands against my chest.

Not able to see her face in this light, "If I say yes, then that is very ambitious. If I say no, then I am cultivating something not worth spending time on," caressing her cheek, I rest my hand on her nape, "Despite all that. I want this to last."


Closing the distance between us, I kissed her. Her arms around my neck, holding me tightly against her toned body. Kissing her gently and carefully, working with the pace she is comfortable with. Parting her lips from mine, I hungrily follow stopping before our lips touch again. Feeling her slow and steady breathing against my face, her raging heart beating against my chest, she plunges forward kissing me more passionately and aggressively.

Minutes of kissing pass, breaking apart she lifts herself to her feet, raising myself I lead her to my room. Both of us climbing into bed, she nestles into my side. Uncomfortably excited, I find it hard to fall asleep.

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