Chapter 6

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It wasn't extremely hard to notice how my lifestyle was starting to change after meeting Akali. Not blaming her but she sure did play a part in changing it up by a fair amount.

Back at their building, I climb through the floors, the stop of the elevator makes my heart sore and crash back into its place. A sigh escapes my lips as I fall out the doors knocking on their door.

The door swings open and I am greeted by a beautiful face, I flash her a smile as she narrows her eyes.

Standing in awkward silence I shake my head, "Pleased to see you again Eve."

She groans, "Akali is out."

"I know that. I was asked to help Ahri and-"

Interrupting me, "Isn't one of the girls enough?"

"Give me a break. It's not like I plan to emotionally break them down, besides how do you even want me to answer that question?"

To my surprise, she chuckles, "A simple yes or no would have been enough." She backs off from the door, following her I see her glance, "Ahri did mention you were going to help us out with our plans."

"I was volunteered... Wait! If you knew then why are you questioning me!?"

She shrugs, "Perspective (Y/n). I want to know what you want with us. "

I sigh, "I bet you just enjoy torturing me."

She laughs sitting down on one of the couches. I look around at the neatly arranged room. It is not something you would expect of stars... it was oddly empty. I would imagine more decor or at least props laying around somewhere but they are extremely organized.

"That might just be it as well. You never did answer the question, what is it that you want? Is it just Akali or do somehow want to seduce all of us?"

She tilts her head, staring at me plainly. I can't read her at all, I ain't even sure if she is joking or not. Returning my gaze to her I think about it; what I want... the obvious answer would be Akali but I wouldn't be one to turn down the chance at all four of them.

I try to answer her but was interrupted by Ahri flying into the room, "Why didn't you say you were here? Come we have a lot of things we need to get done today! Thank you for greeting him, Eve! I'll see you later tonight!."

Grabbing my wrist I swing around, I glance over my shoulder catching her stare, it reaching into me trying to read all my thoughts.

In the elevator she continues, "Okay first we need to go shopping. Before you say that I should rather have asked one of the girls I just want to let you know that, yes, I should have asked them but I want to know more about the man Akali set her sights on and I just want an honest opinion."

"Should be fun," I reassure her with a smile. "But if you don't mind me asking my own questions."

"No, go ahead!"

We reach the ground floor, following her to her car she occasionally flashes me a smile, "So you said you wanted to know about me, why is that?"

Her ears twitch, a short pause before she answers, "Hmm chalk it up to a fox's curiosity I suppose; on the other hand, you aren't a once-off deal either. I am just wondering why in such a short time she has so much interest in you."

Pushing through the door, "Understandable, is she always like that? More of a once-off fix or-" 

"It is difficult once you hit a certain amount of popularity. Everything about you is known except for all the private and juicy information. Pretty hard to find a companion that sees you as an equal rather than a goddess."

"Correct me if I am wrong but don't all girls want to be treated like one?"

She smirks, "It really depends who you as, but for Akali, I'd imagine it is more about someone to be normal around without having to uphold a standard created by the public. Besides it feels rather one-sided if you know everything about one person and they know nothing about you."

"It does make more sense if you put it that way. Then what about you? What is it you prefer?"Reaching the car I slide into the passenger seat, starting the car she briefly makes eye contact with me before reversing. Driving through the streets she opens the window slightly.

"I..." she pauses, narrowing her eyes she then shakes her head, "I don't know what I want. I guess I will figure that out when I find it."

"I thought you had a boyfriend?"

She tilts her head, her lips open partly, a sigh escapes, "I do. We have been together for a very very very long time."

"You make it sound like it's been too long."

"If you are implying I feel like it's not the same anymore then you are assuming correctly. We started dating a bit before my first debut. He runs a massive clothing line and helped me design my image as a rising star."

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