Chapter 70

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*** Akali POV ***

Sitting at the edge of my seat, a hand on my shoulder pulls my gaze away from the window, "You must be dying to meet him," Ahri smiles at me.

"Aren't you?" I arch my brow.

She giggles, "I am. He woke up yesterday... do you think he saw our performance?"

I shake my head, "I don't know. I hope I guess? I don't think they would have given him a chance to... knowing that tests need to be run."

She then pulls me into a hug, "We stay hopeful right?"

I nod, "Yeah. That we will."

Eve then walks up to us, leaning over the back of the seat, "We are all planning to get put our things away before we spend the night with him there," she then smirks at me, "I think it should be fair if you go on ahead of us."

Confused I tilt my head, "What? Why? Shouldn't all of us go?"

Ahri then chuckles, "As much as I want to... I drew the short straw and well... if all of us go it might just be too overwhelming. So we plan on going in and having a one on one session."

Why does this seem like a bad idea? Shouldn't we all be there? As much as I am dying to see him... we all should be the ones to see him.

The plane lands and just as quickly my heart begins to race, like a giddy school girl that has been dreaming about getting back to school. As we finally land, I look at the both of them and they only smile at me.

"Go say 'hi' for us. We will be with the two of you shortly."

I nod, giving them both a quick hug I then pass by Kai'Sa she then smiles at me, "You going to be okay going without us?"

"I don't know," I admit, "I am kind of scared."

She giggles, "Nonsense. He must be dying to see us," she pulls me in for a hug, then gesture for me to leave, "Don't keep him waiting."

I get out of the plane, they already parked our vehicles for us near the plane. Getting out, I jump on my bike, driving as fast as I can to the hospital. Taking extra despite my speed, making sure that I do not end up in the bed beside him.

Parking in front, I hold my helmet to my chest, hiding my nervously clenched fists under the helmet. Walking up to the receptionist, his face lights up as he sees me, "Akali!"

I then groan, "I am here to meet a patient," he suddenly remembers he needs to be professional, "(Y/N) (L/N)."

He then looks at the computer and then smiles at me, "He is in room 42. The doctors are still running some tests but he is open for visitors for the next few minutes."

I nod, giving him an appreciative smile, "Thank you," walking off into the hallway, watching the doors to my right I count them. Two. Four. Eight... Thirty... Forty. Then stopping in front of a slightly ajar door. The number forty-two covering the entire door in a deep blue.

Pushing it open, I peek my head around my corner, my heart in my throat, I see him on the bed. My heart melts as I see him. Almost dropping everything on me to the floor, I keep my composure as I walk to him.

Absolute Zero  - Male Reader x K/DA fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now