Chapter 14

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Entering their apartment I slump onto the couch, sweat rolling down the back of my neck. It still sits wrong by me, my worries still clouding my thoughts, I am still uncertain of myself. Closing my eyes I relax my body, my limbs falling loose around me.

I should call them up... let them know I am still alive.

The apartment is deadly quiet, though it feels strange for me to just enter and lay where I please. It's as if this place is my own. Lifting my phone to my face I scroll through my contacts, to the ones clearly labeled Mom and Dad, I hesitate to click on either of them and instead scroll down to my brother and sister's contact information.

With a heave I throw my legs over the side, sitting upright I first try my brother's number. Nothing. I then try my sisters and to no one's surprise, it yielded the same outcome.

Guess I am going to have to settle with them huh?

"What are you doing here?"

A voice talks behind me, glancing behind me I see Eve walk past me heading for the fridge, "Didn't hear you come in. I wasn't able to go with Kai'Sa, it would be in poor taste if she brought me along."

She bends over rummaging through the racks, as soon as she finds a drink she turns around. Her face is emotionless. I guess she does look cold on the outside, but with what I know it is her front.

"Hmmm, that is true. I didn't think she was going to meet up with them today," she takes a long sip then looks at me, "Why do you look so down?"

"I have to make a call."

She walks closer stopping in front of me, asking plainly, "Did someone die?"

"I... no! Nobody died but I guess it would be a better situation than this."

"That bad?" she then sighs, sitting down on the side of the couch, "Family?"

"Didn't expect you to guess it that quickly."

"Family can bring the worst out of you, especially blood relatives."

"Is it the same for you?"

Eve then stays quiet, glancing between me and the view. I didn't exactly know how to take it but her lack of a reaction must mean she doesn't want to talk about it or there is simply not anything to say.

Ignoring my question, "Do they hate you?"

Deciding to move on from my own question I answer, "No. We don't hate each other but I didn't leave without causing any grievances. They weren't too fond of the idea that I decided to pursue music and I just walked away."

"Hmmm, so you just left your home? Where to?"

"With Angel and Luis. I lived with them for a long time when we tried to make some money. Money was pretty easy to get here seeing as how important music is for events and so on. After that, I finally managed to move out and stuck to small apartments in case we might just lose money after hitting a bump in the road."

"Why are you afraid to call them?"

"I don't know."

She takes another sip, "You should stop worrying and stressing about such things. I would almost call you petty." Glancing at her I can see a faint smile, "You managed to make a name for yourself right? You are now affiliated with K/DA and you are practically dating one of the hottest celebrities around."

"I guess that is true but-"

She then interrupts me, "You should call them. They might be just as scared as you to make the first move. I reckon they would be proud of you."

Absolute Zero  - Male Reader x K/DA fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now