Chapter 18

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They weren't here. As a matter of fact, they weren't going to be here until later tonight, apparently and obviously work does come first but I can't really blame them as this wasn't planned to any extent. 

It was more like, 'hey there old family people. I did walk away from you guys but we still love each other right? I don't know about you guys but I still do so you mind if we can settle our differences?'

Or well that is just how I depicted it at the start, but now I wonder if this is really worth the hassle and effort that we are going through. I guess we will find out tonight whether or not they chew me out. I keep reminding myself why they would even do that, I am incredibly successful... to still hold a grudge because I didn't want to be what they wanted me to be is petty. 

"Are you okay?"

Eve stands at the entrance to my room leaning against the door frame, "I thought you were talking to Laura."

"I was," she then walks over sitting on the bed her back to me, "She then raised a good point about as your lover I should help you if you are in distress."

"You think I am in distress?"

"No. I do think you are overreacting and a bit stupid but I can't change the person next to me, that why I love you right?"

I roll my eyes, "Why am I here Eve?"

She then props her hands behind her, "I don't know. Why are you here?"

"I guess I don't know myself."

"You can always leave," she then lays back resting her head on my chest, "But then you would be running from them again. I won't stop you... just tell me and then we are gone."

"You are not much help are you?"

"Am I not?" She turns her head locking her eyes on me, "That is cruel my love. I am only thinking about how you feel... why would you do something if it makes you uncomfortable? Maybe you are acting childish. Suck it up."

"I guess you are right."

Laura then says, "Of course she is right! Mom and Dad never stopped worrying about you. Up until you went completely dark we were able to check up on you. We only hoped that you were still alive and well!"

Eve then whispers, "Maybe you are a little bit selfish... but I don't blame you."

Laura then continues, "We all miss you. They would never hold it against you... they are just happy you are coming back to them."

More than I would like to believe, she was right. I should just think about that and not focus on the past. I am successful and I am still alive... that should be enough.

I lock my eyes with Eve, "Stop being an idiot?"

"Wow, something must have happened if I don't even need to remind you."

"Ugh, you could at least try to be nicer."

She shakes her head, "Stop being an idiot."

"How is that nicer?"

"Because I said it."

I raise my brow at her and she extends her hand to me, I smile at her taking her hand. 

Though I am not really sure how I will just fit in with all this I have a thought that it can't really end that badly. Maybe my overthinking about something like this is very stupid. 

I chose to ignore it and not think about it. Even if they tell me otherwise it isn't like I will suddenly be able to think of it differently... this is easier. 

Absolute Zero  - Male Reader x K/DA fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now